Fire Guardians

Yes, I am weak. I don't know how to attack the Fire Guardians, and I've spent plenty of time on research and development there, if you know what I mean.

(I'd prefer posting it directly here rather than sending by e-mail.)

Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.

Do you notice that sometimes they're eyes will become greener, and they'll stop moving? That's when to attack!

Ferazel Rocks!
Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!


Originally posted by spamguy:
**Yes, I am weak. I don't know how to attack the Fire Guardians, and I've spent plenty of time on research and development there, if you know what I mean.

(I'd prefer posting it directly here rather than sending by e-mail.)

Fire Guardians?????????????!!!!!!!!!!



Originally posted by ferazel_09:
**Do you notice that sometimes they're eyes will become greener, and they'll stop moving? That's when to attack!

Yes, but it takes TONS of shots. What I did was save up the multicrystals from Purple Haze and get them right before I fought the Guardians.

Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.

I found that using the ice wall to shoot the Fire Guardians tends to kill them a little quicker. Somewhere back in the archives is a really good description of how to kill them - shoot (when their eyes are green), then jump over the fireballs they shoot at you.

May those who love us love us.And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

the best way to beat the fire guardiens is to go to the top of the 4 NON-DISSAPEARING platforms and throw fire seeds at them when there eyes glow green ( it only takes 4 each.)
A nice thing to know is above the head of the left and right guardians heads there is a box behind a distructable wall. (The right one just blows and will hurt you if you are too close) the leftone has a health crstal. Also if you have any health potions, put up your shield and use the and only 1 guardian will attack you up there. If you have the ice crystles spell since you haven't upgraded (do it soon 🙂 )use that instead of fire seeds. It will take longer though. When you beat them you get one of my favorite items the fire charm. It will mean that no fires on the ground will hurt you and any lava pit don't do as much damage. THIS ITEM is requiredin Ends of The Earth or as others say End of My Wits. If you haven't gotten a good score in Fire in the Hole I suggest you go do that now that you have the Fire Charm GOOD LUCK. 🙂
