What does it take to kill the Xichra Queen?

I am having a hell of a time killing the queen. I managed to figure out on my own how to damage her, but now I ran through both my supplies of ammunition and she still isn't dead. What gives? I swear I was getting very good, and getting nearly 80% hit ratio on her. Can someone help out? Oh, as an interesting tidbit, I noticed the smite ring basically is coded in such a way that when you use it, it drops a fire seed smack dab on top of the enemy. I've noticed this when an enemy is moving too fast for the smite ring to catch it on the spot.


Originally posted by bokmeow:
I am having a hell of a time killing the queen. I managed to figure out on my own how to damage her, but now I ran through both my supplies of ammunition and she still isn't dead. What gives? I swear I was getting very good, and getting nearly 80% hit ratio on her. Can someone help out? Oh, as an interesting tidbit, I noticed the smite ring basically is coded in such a way that when you use it, it drops a fire seed smack dab on top of the enemy. I've noticed this when an enemy is moving too fast for the smite ring to catch it on the spot.

Yup, she's a tough one to kill. There are plenty of old posts describing how to kill her, but you need to get her hitting the floor and then you can blast her with some more stuff other than the seeds. (Jump up just before she hits the floor or you'll be paralyzed when she hits the floor - similar to Goblin Chief.) You did visit Nimbo and get all the seeds you could, didn't you?

Save your smite rings until the end.

The easiest way to win is to use Ferazedit... but that might be construed as cheating!

Some people are Optimists - they see the glass as half full. Some are Pessimists - the glass is half empty. I'm a Realist. I know eventually I'm going to have to wash that glass.