Spells and Constipation

Is there anyway to make a player start without the fireball spell and/or dagger. And is there a way to remove a spell from a player? Thanx

PS: I'm not really constipated

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I am pretty sure there is no process you can go through to remove a spell.

(Lots of fibre helps with the constipation. It should be in the MASCOT documentation.)

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space

Not to be stupid, then but why can you give a player the fireball spell and daggar? (or is that just because)

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

You're not stupid - there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. And I'm answering. 🙂

I think it is programmed directly into every new game: start with one dagger, one fireball spell. Changing it would be dirty and unsafe.

twice in a dream i visioned
nerds content with empowering
man and space