iMac question

This is not a totally ferazel related question, but...
I just got an iMac DV SE (Ferazel was the first thing I put on it) I noticed that the back of the iMac was very hot, is this normal or does my compute have a fever 😉

Thanks in advance.

-Emperor Ent

Well, I think this is normal, as my iMac 350 does that too. 🙂 You're lucky to have the DV Special Edition, I REALLY want that! 😉


Calvin Crane
AIM- FriendlyGuy5
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I also recently bought an imac DVD SE and found it to be very hot.
Upon asking my fellow friend a mac user, he seems to think its because when Apple made the new imacs they didn't put the noisy annoying fan inside, thus the heat. 🙂
