I think you should also maybe write another staory taking place earlier on, with the Manditraki, etc.
I might, if I can come up with sufficiently detailed 'information' about what happened. I might also do little flashbacks in this story to tell a bit about the surface years and such.
The only problem would be if Ben made a prequel/sequel explaining the Manditraki/surface years. In fact, I believe that one of the reasons George Lucas decided not to make episodes VI, VII, and IX, is that people wrote so many stories about what took place after, that people began to take that and believe that that was what Lucas intended, so if he wrote something different, it would really screw everything up.
Hey, I've written fan-fiction before, I'm used to having my carefully thought-out theories proven wrong.
I won't mind a bit if my vision turns out to be different from Ben's--in fact, if I actually get anything right I'll be amazed (and a little nervous as well).
Start writing, maybe you can post section by section here!
I'll do my best. The trouble is, my thought processes aren't really linear; when I come up with stories I often end up starting in the middle and working my way outward. This makes it rather hard to post a story chapter-by-chapter, unless you want the installments all out of order.
I'm also not sure just how much text you can post at once before the forum chokes on it. Maybe I need to make arrangements with the moderators of the "Chronicles" boards to put this story up there?
That said...I'm already enjoying this project. It's an interesting challenge to try and develop characters based on two pictures and a half-dozen lines of dialogue per person--and the wood nymphs don't even have conversations to work from. It's also a challenge to build a consistently interesting plotline out of fireballing goblins over and over.
I just hope everyone else ends up enjoying this as much as I am...