Ferazel fan-fiction? (warning, minor spoilers ahead)

I haven't actually beaten Ferazel's Wand yet (I still need 3 more red Xichrons), but from what I gather from reading this board, the ending of the game leaves a lot of quesitons unanswered. What are the Manditraki exactly? If they really are rogue Habnabits as the game seems to indicate, what was their motivation for rebelling? What about the "surface years" that Geroditus mentioned at the start of the game?

It would be nice to have a sequel to answer all these (hint,hint), but in the meantime my overactive imagination is coming up with explanations of its own. I've actually got the beginnings of a Ferazel novel rolling around in my head--it's all in little bits and pieces at this point, but I'd love to develop it into a full-blown story, assuming people would like to read it. What do you think?


I think a sequel would be great and a novel is a good idea.

Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?

I'd love to hear the ramblings in your head, Cat Cyber. 🙂


I'd rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, we get to wear cuter clothes, and we're the first to be rescued off sinking ships.

You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Okay, you twisted my arm. 😉 I'll try to write this up. I feel I should warn you now, though, that I have an annoying tendency to start stories and not finish them, so there's a chance I may not get to the end of this.

My plan at this point is for the 'novel' to start a few weeks or months before the start of the game, and then go through the game itself, with some alterations for the sake of poetic license (a blow-by-blow account of the game wouldn't make for a terribly interesting story). Some of the people whom Ferazel encounters during the game will become his travelling companions in the story, if for no other reason than it's more interesting to write about two or three people than about just one. As I said before, this story is still in the early stages, but some of the things you can expect to see are Ferazel's lessons with Geroditus, his encounters with the wood nymphs who were cut from the original game, and a rather creepy theory on the origins of the wraiths in "Ends of the Earth." Sound interesting yet? 🙂

I think you should also maybe write another staory taking place earlier on, with the Manditraki, etc. The only problem would be if Ben made a prequel/sequel explaining the Manditraki/surface years. In fact, I believe that one of the reasons George Lucas decided not to make episodes VI, VII, and IX, is that people wrote so many stories about what took place after, that people began to take that and believe that that was what Lucas intended, so if he wrote something different, it would really screw everything up.
Start writing, maybe you can post section by section here!

Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?

In the last century, Humankind has had three major achievements:

  • Flight

  • Automobiles

  • The ability to utterly anihhilte themselves.

Communism is a government where everyone starves equally.

  • Wedge Antilles
    Rogue squadron leader and fighter pilot extraordinaire
    I'm not really a newbie, just a new sn...

I think you should also maybe write another staory taking place earlier on, with the Manditraki, etc.

I might, if I can come up with sufficiently detailed 'information' about what happened. I might also do little flashbacks in this story to tell a bit about the surface years and such.

The only problem would be if Ben made a prequel/sequel explaining the Manditraki/surface years. In fact, I believe that one of the reasons George Lucas decided not to make episodes VI, VII, and IX, is that people wrote so many stories about what took place after, that people began to take that and believe that that was what Lucas intended, so if he wrote something different, it would really screw everything up.

Hey, I've written fan-fiction before, I'm used to having my carefully thought-out theories proven wrong. 😉 I won't mind a bit if my vision turns out to be different from Ben's--in fact, if I actually get anything right I'll be amazed (and a little nervous as well).

Start writing, maybe you can post section by section here!

I'll do my best. The trouble is, my thought processes aren't really linear; when I come up with stories I often end up starting in the middle and working my way outward. This makes it rather hard to post a story chapter-by-chapter, unless you want the installments all out of order.

I'm also not sure just how much text you can post at once before the forum chokes on it. Maybe I need to make arrangements with the moderators of the "Chronicles" boards to put this story up there?

That said...I'm already enjoying this project. It's an interesting challenge to try and develop characters based on two pictures and a half-dozen lines of dialogue per person--and the wood nymphs don't even have conversations to work from. It's also a challenge to build a consistently interesting plotline out of fireballing goblins over and over. 😄 I just hope everyone else ends up enjoying this as much as I am...