Help w/FerazEdit

I just tried to use FerazEdit for the first time on a Fire in the Hole saved game and when I openned it up, nothing was there except Ferazel and the rocks. No fire, no demons, nothing. What did I do wrong? Any advise would be appreciated.


I don't know why you would have that problem. FerazEdit does not modify any of the positioning data. Did your saved game work correctly before you edited it?

David Shaw (a.k.a. Arkham)
Author of FerazEdit

Yes, the saved games work fine. When I open the mod. game nothing shows up. I've tried it in two different levels. Maybe I should trash it and download again. Thanks for the reply.


David, I downloaded it again and it's fine. I think I know what I did wrong. I put it in the Ferazel folder. Maybe that effected it. This time I left your folder on my desk top. Thanks for your help! Can wait to play with it.
