
I am curious as to where I can rescue Jimbo?


You mean Dimbo? There is a great map of the Labyrinth at Elizabeth's site. (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Click here(/url) to access it. Happy Ferazeling! 😄


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

Thanks! If anyone else (like me) has been obseving this topic silently and are curious as to where in Labyrinth to find Dimbo you need to look in the top left room on the map (you need to break through some walls to get there). I was kind of hoping Nimbo would give me some kind of reward, but oh well.

Nimbo DOES max out your fire and ziridium seeds, but only after you have gotten to Xichra. :rolleyes:


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
**Nimbo DOES max out your fire and ziridium seeds, but only after you have gotten to Xichra.:rolleyes:


Cal - Don't you mean once you get to Ends of the Earth?


Oops... I stand corrected. Thanks, MonsterLady. 😉


Ya, that's what I thought too. But I made it to Ends of the Earth and whent back to Nimbo/Dimbo and they just told me they were gathering presents for when I get through to the mountains (which I have :mad :). Do I need to pay that guys toll of Xichrons (so frustrating!!! I've scoured Teraknorn for Xichrons and I'm stuck at 19) before I get the seeds? I'm using version 1.0.3 if it matters.

P.S. What levels can I find ziridium seeds in?

Noooo! messed up the smile thing. Should be an angry one, not happy! (might have been confusing which is why I bothered posting this)


Originally posted by Dr.Stevio:
**Ya, that's what I thought too. But I made it to Ends of the Earth and whent back to Nimbo/Dimbo and they just told me they were gathering presents for when I get through to the mountains (which I have :mad:). Do I need to pay that guys toll of Xichrons (so frustrating!!! I've scoured Teraknorn for Xichrons and I'm stuck at 19) before I get the seeds? I'm using version 1.0.3 if it matters.

You have to pay the toll before you can go back and get the goodies from Nimbo/Dimbo. If you've done all the levels (up through the labyrinth to the Wizard, plus all fire & ice) and collected most of the Xichrons in each level you should have enough. Try going back to River of Fears and collecting all the underwater Xichrons if you missed those ones. (Use the V blade on the fish.)


Thanks, but I already did that. I finally figured out how to get the red one in 'Central Caverns'. And like you said, I got the goodies when I payed the toll. Hmmm... now all I have to do is kill Xichra, shouldn't be too tough should it? 😉

How red xichrons are there total in the game? I got 25 last time.

"Its my Duty to please that booty." --Shaft