Can't stand the Heat

I've been playing through the game again on my 6500 and have hit an impasse at the end of this section.
It is just before the end - there is a rock which has to be rolled back onto a button to open the sliding door.
I get there, blast the ground supporting rock away, then try to get over the rock to push it backwards onto the button. But I just walk through the rock (can't push it). The rock rolls forwards if I get to it from the left, but not from the right.
I have died many horrible, horrible fire deaths trying to do this! I've even transferred my saved game over to my PB to see if I could do it there. Nada.
I know it can be done, because I did it before on my PB. (Forgive me, I'm old and can't remember how I did it before.)


Weird!! I've NEVER had that happen to me before! Are you playing 1.0.3? E-mail me your saved game and I'll try it on my iMac 350.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
**Weird!! I've NEVER had that happen to me before! Are you playing 1.0.3? E-mail me your saved game and I'll try it on my iMac 350.



Yes, I'm using 1.0.3. I'll email you the saved game, but it is awfully big.
How does one compress things to email them smaller?



Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**How does one compress things to email them smaller?

Stuff it with Stuffit 🙂 If you don't have Stuffit Deluxe, just download Drop Stuff from their website: (url="http://"")http://www.aladdinsy...tuff/index.html(/url)

Believe me, you want to stuff the saved game before you send it (I speak from experience...normally, the e-mail will be about 1.3MB, but if you stuff it, it will drop down to about 40K) 🙂

-- Jeff

(This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 06-21-2000).)


Originally posted by Merciless:
**Stuff it with Stuffit:) If you don't have Stuffit Deluxe, just download Drop Stuff from their website:

Found Drop Stuff already in my Aladdin folder. Thanks!
Cal - you can expect an email sometime soon.


MonsterLady- I got your e-mail and beat Can't Stand the Heat, and didn't experience the problem you're describing. Anyways, I sent your original game back and the version I beat. Good luck!

-Cal 🙂

(This message has been edited by FriendlyGuy (edited 06-21-2000).)

Thanks Cal. I wonder what my problem was...
Oh well - onto the next fire level.


If you play "If You Can't Stand the Heat..." again what you do is: jump and climb to the top, (have V.Blade ready) blast the stone underneath and fall forward to the right(on the the side under the rock), climb up again(under the rock) and just nudge yourself to right so you're not occupying the same space as the rock and nudge the rock left onto the button.

"Its my Duty to please that booty." --Shaft

In fire in the hole where can I find the V-blade scroll. I've found several empty gray pedistal thingys ( the kind that usauly hold a magic or health capacity increase crystal), could this be a bug? (I'm using 1.0.2)


Originally posted by DrStevio:
In fire in the hole where can I find the V-blade scroll. I've found several empty gray pedistal thingys ( the kind that usauly hold a magic or health capacity increase crystal), could this be a bug? (I'm using 1.0.2)

Download the updater to 1.0.3.



Thanks Cats, I couldn't wait to go fishing in 'River of Fears', though I'm gonna miss the ice crystal spell.