Lord of the Rings

I made it to Xichra but I had to cheat (still waiting to download update) but I made a few observations. A lot of the things in Ferazel, such as the Smite/Escape Rings, Magical Mirrors and evil Wraiths in Black, bear resemblance to things found in the LOTR trilogy. Ben, is this not a cooincidence, do you like the books? Just an observation.


I can see a small similarity between Sauron's One Ring and the Escape Rings because you could become invisible with the One and Escape. But I don't remember any mirrors in Ferazel and the only mirrors I can remember in LOTR are the Mirrormere or the Lady Galadriel's magic water basin. And the converted habnabits compared to converted Kings and men, maybe but I don't think any similarity between Ferazel and LOTR was intentional.

"Its my Duty to please that booty." --Shaft

Yeah, I didn't think to similarities were TOO major, but noticeable. About the mirrors, you can find them by looking through FW with a resource editor like ResEdit. They never made it into the game, but they looked cool. One of them was broken and you apparently had to collect a bunch of shards to complete it. Anyways, it's good to find another fan of the series. 🙂


Oh right, yeah. Algenon and someone, but what mirrors were you refering to in TLOTR? I really didn't 'feel' or think of TLOTR when I played Ferazel. Did you just recently read it and really enjoyed it? I find when I've just really enjoyed something, its stays on my mind and gets mixed in with whatever I'm doing.

"Its my Duty to please that booty." --Shaft

I don't know... Hobbit, Habnabit, pretty close...