Purpose of Iceconoclasm?

I've found the Ice Wall spell in Iceconoclasm, and I'm wondering, what reward do you get for going all the way through the level? I know from looking at the map that it's a dead end, so is there some other spell or special item that makes it worth going up those %$^$^%$ spike walls?


Nope. 🙂


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

Ice Wall? I guess I have a newer version, which doesn't necesarily mean better. What's Ice wall do? Is it like Tree trunk, in that it can block moving enemies or you can climb it? Where can I download FezEdit?

"Its my Duty to please that booty." --Shaft

The main purpose (in my opinion) is the lady you meet on one of the ledges (forgot her name) who will offer to sell you some fireseeds. I have version 1.0.2 and when I buy twentey fireseeds I get 20 escape rings! I found plenty of use for them in the fire levels.


Originally posted by TIE:
**Ice Wall? I guess I have a newer version, which doesn't necesarily mean better. What's Ice wall do? Is it like Tree trunk, in that it can block moving enemies or you can climb it? Where can I download FezEdit?

The Ice Wall spell will let create ice platforms that you can use to float on water or to climb spike walls. And yep, you can use it to defeat enemies as well.


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