Sign Petition....Ben---it's YOUR fault!!!

You did it! You went out and created an addictive game that held my interest for months. Challenged me....made me cry....attack my keyboard....garnered enormous feelings of satisfaction over seeing those frogs die!

Now...the lair has been save further land to venture out could you NOT create another Ferazel? Think of all of us here on this board....wandering aimlessly about...with left over health, magic, and smite rings.....and no little buddy to comfort us!

Get the picture????

I propose a petition......a Bring Back Ferazel petition!!!!!


I mentioned in two separate threads yesterday that Ben is currently working on his new game, "TURF", so a second Ferazel anytime soon is probably out of the question.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't/don't want another Ferazel, I'm just saying that demanding what can't happen is a little strange don't you think?


-- Jeff

I'm sure well see Ferazel again, but probably not too soon...and MAYBE not by Ben. Correct me if I'm wrong, but EVO was not created by Matt Burch, the creator of EV.



Originally posted by Merciless:
**I mentioned in two separate threads yesterday that Ben is currently working on his new game, "TURF", so a second Ferazel anytime soon is probably out of the question.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't/don't want another Ferazel, I'm just saying that demanding what can't happen is a little strange don't you think?


Yes, Ben's busy on other stuff, so a Ferazel sequel will obviously not be happening soon. I just hope this game catches on in a big way so that Ambrosia is pressured into a sequel. I, for one, would love for that to happen.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Well, right now I'm working on my next game (it's a platform-scroller like Ferazel) and I just thought of something after reading the last few posts.

If there are some features in FW that you like, I could incorporate them into my game (of course, if they're Ben's own ideas, I'll ask him for permission first). Perhaps if I get Ben's permission, Ferazel could make a cameo appearance 🙂

Any comments on that?

-- Jeff

Sounds good...where can we find your other games?


I also would love to look at any games you've written. Give!


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Hey, Jeff - add me to the list, too!! Would love to see your games 🙂


Well, heh heh, my first game isn't that much to ooh and ahh about, but it has been downloaded well over 4500 times, and it will soon be included on a Japanese CD-ROM games bundle (Mac Games 50+), and the Macworld UK CD-ROM so I'm pretty pleased about that.

Anyhoo, you can find it (that's right, I only have one so far..."so far" being the operative term) at my website (url="http://"") . Some of you may recognize it from my shameless plug in the thread on the main board that was bashing Gadget Software...well, one of them anyway (and let us never speak of them again :))

So, what I need to ask of you is for suggestions (and to download my game....4/5 cows on Tucows ;)). Features you like to see in platform games, enemies you think might be interesting (I'll see if I can fit them into the plot), powerups, etc etc etc. The more info I get, the better I can make my game!

You're my hero Ben! 😄 Heh.

-- Jeff

p.s. if you can't connect to the site, it probably means the person who was nice enough to host my site on his computer is playing Unreal Tournament or Quake 3: Fortress 🙂

(This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 06-15-2000).)


Originally posted by Merciless:
**I mentioned in two separate threads yesterday that Ben is currently working on his new game, "TURF", so a second Ferazel anytime soon is probably out of the question.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't/don't want another Ferazel, I'm just saying that demanding what can't happen is a little strange don't you think?


Dear Merciless:

I think you might have missed the general feeling of my post, my respect for Ben is at a place that my "demand" was certainly taken by most as an admiring hope for further adventures. I am aware of your TURF postings. I am also aware, correct me if wrong, that...authors...yourself included....appreciate the awareness that a labor of love on their part was equally accepted on our part.

I look forward to checking out your game...and look forward to any of your future endeavors. But, as a personal preference, the whole approach taken by Ben in Ferazel...appeals to me as a gamer, and his efforts gave me HOURS of fun!!!



Originally posted by cjazz:
**I think you might have missed the general feeling of my post, my respect for Ben is at a place that my "demand" was certainly taken by most as an admiring hope for further adventures. I am aware of your TURF postings. I am also aware, correct me if wrong, that...authors...yourself included....appreciate the awareness that a labor of love on their part was equally accepted on our part.

I look forward to checking out your game...and look forward to any of your future endeavors. But, as a personal preference, the whole approach taken by Ben in Ferazel...appeals to me as a gamer, and his efforts gave me HOURS of fun!!!

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. I think (after reading your initial post again) what I meant was "positive pressure" instead of demand. I would sign the petition right away if there was one as I'm sure most people on this board would also.

Ferazel's Wand appeals to me greatly as well. It seems that Ben is a very creative person. I mean, who else would have thought of making a game based on rolling around the office in your chair? It turned out to be loads of fun, and when I heard that he was working on Ferazel I got really excited. I knew I could expect a top-quality game, and boy did Ben ever deliver. Ambrosia released their first "commercial" game with Ferazel, and there's no doubt in my mind that this game is of that quality. One can only speculate on how great TURF will be (let alone what it's about :)) and coming from Ben, it will be great.

That's enough of my ramblings for now! Back to my game (and Ferezel of course).

-- Jeff