1.0.3 Update

I've tried and tried again to download the full-version update with the "wonderful" AOL browser, but I keep gettings connection failures. Can somebody give me some adivce, or tell me another place where I can obtain the update?


Connection failures? The only problem is AOL. Get Earthlink, it's more reliable.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

Yeah, I'd love to get rid of AOL but my parents won't spring for that.


Would somebody do me a HUGE favor and download the update (for the full version mind you) and email it to me? My address is saxarooj@aol.com. This would help tremendously (it's a little hard to beat Iceconoclasm (sp?) with 1.0.2)!! Thanks in advance. Oh and please post before you send so don't get all these updates (but that's assuming anyone fulfills my request)


you can use IE/NC/iCab and try DL mb?
Or you can get the update off hotline perhaps?


AUGHH!! I've tried EVERYTHING and it won't download!! I got so desperate I used Ferazedit to give me the V Blade and Ice Wall spell, but, gee, whaddayaknow, Ferazedit's Ice Wall spell does not work!! I'm going to cry. Someone PLEASE send me the update to saxarooj@aol.com !!!!


What you can try is what khelereth said: Connect to AOL, then close the window and open a reliable browser like Microsoft Internet Exploror or Netscape. Just a thought...


I tried, and it did not work for IE or Netscape. Surprise, surprise.



The best solution is to rid AOL and get Earthlink or something.
Earthlink works great on macs.

8MB is just too big for me to email, since I have a crappy ol 56k.


Originally posted by tommanr:
**I've tried and tried again to download the full-version update with the "wonderful" AOL browser, but I keep gettings connection failures. Can somebody give me some adivce, or tell me another place where I can obtain the update?


Hello, tr - sorry to hear your having trouble with the download on AOL. I also have AOL, but I was able to download the update with no problems. Don't know why it's not working for you. Did you try to download either late at night or early in the morning when there's less traffic out there? If you try again and can't get it, let me know and I will try to e-mail the update to you.


I'll try that, thanks. Is the update really 8 megs? I didn't know that...



Originally posted by tommanr:
**I'll try that, thanks. Is the update really 8 megs? I didn't know that...

It would help I think if the update were in the AOL libraries. I always find that more stable then trying use the AOL browser...or even Netscape or IE. Ben, shouldn't the patch be in the AOL libraries? I couldn't find it.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.