Oh no.....what now?!!!!

The Queen is Dead...how will I live without my best buddy, Ferazel? I have lived with this little guy since the beginning...alas...please help.


We need Ferazel 2!! Start thinking of ideas, Ben... I agree with cjazz completly.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
We need Ferazel 2!!

Hopefully Ferazel might make an appearance in TURF along with Harry 🙂

-- Jeff

You heard about the mysterious TURF too? Well, I think it stands for The Unexpected Return of Ferazel! (I read that on the Ambrosia Banter Board.) Well, I can dream, can't I?? :rolleyes:


P.S. When I downloaded the demo of TURF, it said I need a password to decrypt it. Any thoughts?


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
P.S. When I downloaded the demo of TURF, it said I need a password to decrypt it. Any thoughts?**

Umm...probably because you're not supposed to be able to download it. 🙂 It's still in development. I just don't think you're going to get the password here.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.


Originally posted by FriendlyGuy:
P.S. When I downloaded the demo of TURF, it said I need a password to decrypt it. Any thoughts?

I think I remember Ben saying on the main board that it wasn't a demo as most people understand the term. I believe it was sort of a tech demo (like Q3Test) to show how the engine worked and such things (I may be wrong).

Pretty much everything that's on the Ambrosia ftp server in the beta folder is passworded...I think 🙂 (only the testers have the password).

-- Jeff