My opinion about Ferazel

When I fought Xichra, I noticed that my fireseeds were not functioning correctly.
For some reason, (sprite limit?) they become invisible/flying all over in the wrong place!
Also.. when I died while fighting the guards (purple axe goblins) my rez necklace wouldnt work. (had 3)
I'm sure everybody else has noticed this? What can I do?

Since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to playing games, I complete everything in the game.
Even every breakable walls. I collect every coin. I can't afford to lose any smite rings/rez necklaces. I max everything out. I even care which direction im facing when saving. I sit there for couple minutes thinking "which way should I face? Since the level starts from the left, i should face right. hmm.."
Since I'm like this, I become frustrated playing ferazel. there are quite a lot of bugs (even if not a bug for example, misplacing the rocks/carts etc) which I think needs to be fixed to play w/o frustration. I understand Ben is too busy to worry about minor bugs, but anyways, that is my opinion.

I still need to defeat Xichra to complete the game, but I think I played enough to say what I think about this game.

Ferazel is a really great game with numerous secrets to discover. I loved looking for secrets I couldnt discover. Beautifull backgrounds, spells, animations, music and smooth mvoements! I think $30(incl. shipping) is a great price too. The music was awesome. Every level has unique music! VERY RICH!
Here comes the BUT part. I began to feel frustration when playing challenging levels. More than any other challenging action games. I don't know why. The save point in-recyclability could be one reason.
But besides that, the bugs etc I mentioned above made me feel very insecure and frustrating.
The bug(?) where you couldnt complete the level 100% because of the endless respawns was really frustrating. Every level must be able to be completed 100%! I havent heard anything about finishing Ferazel with everything 100% completed. It's always nice to see something special when someone has all levels 100% completed 🙂 The only thing that bugged me in Ferazel was frustration. (including bugs, etc I mentioned)
To conclude, Ferazel - Frustration = Game of the Year!!! 😉

Ferazel is definately one of the best games I've ever played on the Mac.
Thank you for the game Ben Spees!! I really look forward to future Ambrosia games more than
any other. (except for Mac Diablo2 maybe? 🙂 )

PS. my English is limited, sorry if it bugged you!


Very good opinions! I hope Ben reads this.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

I agree with much of what you said, except that there was nothing that indicated you would always be able to get 100% of the enemies. I think the regenerating monster machines were a challenge and the only way possible to get 100% of the monsters on that level would be to do away with those. I think that's a bit unnecessary. They were a unique idea and I liked them!!


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Wait, you CAN get 100% in those levels with regenarating machines?
I need to avoid them? So if I kill any of them, I can't get 100% anymore?



Originally posted by khelereth:
**Wait, you CAN get 100% in those levels with regenarating machines?
I need to avoid them? So if I kill any of them, I can't get 100% anymore?

No..that's not what I meant. You can't avoid them. What I said is that the only way to get 100% on that level would be if Ben took the regenerating machines out of the level. I said that I liked the challenge of them, it would be a shame to take them out just so people can get perfect statistics on the level.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

I think there should be a way to get 100% in every levels.
Doesn't that also make it obvious that theres nothing you get in return for completing
all levels 100%?

I also think it would be a good idea (and very easy to add in the next update mb?) to have a
star or something on the each level (in the map) so that you know which ones you've completed 100%!



Originally posted by khelereth:
**I also think it would be a good idea (and very easy to add in the next update mb?) to have a star or something on the each level (in the map) so that you know which ones you've completed 100%!

I'm not sure how feasible that would be (seeing as how Ben has moved on to his next title...which, over the past few weeks, was a topic of hot discussion on the Ambrosia Banter board) but it reminds me of the Donkey Kong Country games where a little icon would show up on the levels you got the DK coin in (I honestly don't remember what it's been too long since I've played it :))

-- Jeff


Originally posted by khelereth:
I think there should be a way to get 100% in every levels.
Doesn't that also make it obvious that theres nothing you get in return for completing
all levels 100%?

I also think it would be a good idea (and very easy to add in the next update mb?) to have a
star or something on the each level (in the map) so that you know which ones you've completed 100%!

I'm...not following you. 🙂 There's something that you get in return for completing 100% on each level? What? Or you think that there SHOULD be something you get? Something at the end of the game that happens when you get 100%? If that's what you're talking about, I think that would be a good idea. But it sounds a bit more involved than just a minor update, so I doubt if something like that will be added now. But it's a nice thought!

As for the 100% of the enemies, we'll just have to disagree...I just didn't find that to be a huge deal. I was more concerned with xichrons and secrets. I wasn't the slightest bit bothered about not getting 100% on Obfuscation and Edification because I understood it wasn't possible. There were other levels in which I didn't kill 100% of the enemies (The fire levels!) because I didn't care! The only time I cared was if I thought I had missed something.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.