Pillars-Ends of Earth

Hi guys,
I am at the point where the 3 pillars are(with the 3jumping axe lizardmen). I have opened 2 of those pillars....killed the lizard man hiding behind the 3rd pillar...i can see the save pedestal right after the pillar. How do I open the 3rd pillar???? I also can't seem to get to the rez necklace above either. The cannons took me back across...but i must have missed something. HELP!!!



Are you at the part with all the cannons that you have to shoot yourself across? You have to get by that part and there is a ledge with a button. Push the button and that should open the door. If that isn't the part you're talking about, please expain and I'll help you there.


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by cjazz:
**Hi guys,
I am at the point where the 3 pillars are(with the 3jumping axe lizardmen). I have opened 2 of those pillars....killed the lizard man hiding behind the 3rd pillar...i can see the save pedestal right after the pillar. How do I open the 3rd pillar???? I also can't seem to get to the rez necklace above either. The cannons took me back across...but i must have missed something. HELP!!!


You need to get back up onto the ledge above the third pillar and shoot yourself out of the cannon and then across the other cannons to get to the ledge with the button. Took me alot of practice to get the timing right on the cannons. Good luck!
