Gamepad vs Keyboard

I never used a gamepad before, and wonder if its better than a keyboard.
I actually ordered a Macally iShock gamepad on the weekend just for Ferazel! 😉

Anyone use gamepads for Ferazel?
I'm soooooo ready to play the game!! 🙂
(and impatiently waiting for CD)




Originally posted by khelereth:
**I never used a gamepad before, and wonder if its better than a keyboard.
I actually ordered a Macally iShock gamepad on the weekend just for Ferazel! 😉

Anyone use gamepads for Ferazel?
I'm soooooo ready to play the game!! 🙂
(and impatiently waiting for CD)



I think for Ferazel you're better off just using the keyboard. Much easier to play it that way. Hope the game arrives for you today!! 🙂


I just got the iShock gamepad, and it works really great.
I was playing good with the keyboard too, but I feel more comfortable
with the gamepad. 😉

-Khel (still waiting 4 CD)


I'm a straight keyboard player for pretty much everything - Ferazel, Carmageddon (1 and 2...I find the keyboard to be very easy to control cars in racing games, although I would love to see a Mac steering wheel set come out as those are a lot of fun), Quake, pinball games, whatever. It's probably because I use it so much for typing, it just seems natural for me when I use it for games. The only game I don't use the keyboard for exclusively is Descent 3 (and I'm sure you know why :))

I'm sure if I tried playing Donkey Kong Country 1-3 with the keyboard I'd be having a much harder time then I would with the SNES controller. I'm sure if Ferazel were on a console, I'd have no problems using a gamepad, but for some reason, it just seems normal for me to use the keyboard. Ah well, enough of my ramblings. 😛

-- Jeff

I found using an Exerminator game stick really handy during the flying session (Hangnabit). Very difficult using the keyboard (iMac keyboard)

Good Luck, fantastic game 🙂