The Dig

Hello, everyone! I've gone back to try to complete all the levels, but I only seem to be able to get 76% secrets on The Dig. I saw The Dig map posted here earlier, but I don't get it. I have the health and magic crystal, but can't find much else, except the Smite Ring. Please help me! 😕


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

I am also confused by The Dig. 😛 I looked at the map and I have gotten everything on it but I do not get 100% of secrets. I cannot remember what percentage I actually do get though. Hmmm . . . :eek:




Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
Hello, everyone! I've gone back to try to complete all the levels, but I only seem to be able to get 76% secrets on The Dig. I saw The Dig map posted here earlier, but I don't get it. I have the health and magic crystal, but can't find much else, except the Smite Ring. Please help me!😕


If you expand the map to its huge normal size, it is your best guide to secrets, but it misses some things. (For example, as I recall there is a res necklace at the lowest level, far right, that it doen't show.)
Be sure you don't miss this one: if you are in that last room before the exit, Ferazel can blast his way up and right and get into a small room with a red xichron in it.



Is there a URL for the Dig Map?


Thanks you guys, I got the red xichron and the rez necklace.

The URL for the dig map is:


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"

(/QUOTE) **
If you expand the map to its huge normal size, it is your best guide to secrets, but it misses some things. (For example, as I recall there is a res necklace at the lowest level, far right, that it doen't show.)
Be sure you don't miss this one: if you are in that last room before the exit, Ferazel can blast his way up and right and get into a small room with a red xichron in it.


The map does show the rez necklace and red xichron in the lower right corner. I think that the rez necklace is a little small to see though.



I am really fustrated with losing Multi-Crystals in this game. There is a certain point where you climb up a long narrow shaft about half way between the first save and the second save, right after a small purple health bath. Ferazel has to jump past two crossbows and it is there that he is hit by arrows that claim a cystal (crumb!). He is too slow to get to the top and out of the way. Any thoughts?


:Looking for info. When I print out the map of the dig I only get the left and middle to print. I have tried shifting the screen to the left and printing, but I still only get the left and middle to print.

Feeling inept

Maggie, the novice.
