I Beat Her!

Hello, everyone! I would like you all to know that it is possible to beat Xichra without Ferazedit or that weird ledge on the left side! I did it!!
Here are some tips on defeating the evil queen-

  1. Rescue Dimbo first, then talk to Nimbo to get 99 Zir. Seeds and 99 Fire Seeds.

  2. If you have any Smite Rings, save them for the end when she is flying around at warp speed! It takes about 3 rings to finish her off.

  3. Use Zir. Seeds first, and you might run out of them before the end of the match. Then switch to Fire seeds.

  4. Remember this- You can hit her with spells when she's on the ground, so jump in the air before you hit her to avoid being stunned.

  5. Always bring at least 3 Rez Necklaces, or you'll have a really tough time!

  6. Don't worry if you have trouble avoiding obsticles, I had a hard time with them too.

Good luck, you're gonna need it!

-Cal 😄

P.S. Thanx to all of you who replied to my questions, thats how I got this far.



Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
I would like you all to know that it is possible to beat Xichra without Ferazedit or that weird ledge on the left side!

Oh yes, it is possible....that's how I beat her 🙂

-- Jeff

That's now help for me. How do you pass the 1st level?? 😕 Well, I'm not say I can't beat it. I mean...okay! I can't beat it! :redface:

Adzgari Visionary, Leader of Squadron Firebird, Garit Fleet Commander, Azdara Stunt Pilot

"If I had a choice between power and speed, speed is what I'd go for."

"You call this fast?!"
–Adzy trying to buy an Adzgari Warship


Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
**1) Rescue Dimbo first, then talk to Nimbo to get 99 Zir. Seeds and 99 Fire Seeds.

  1. If you have any Smite Rings, save them for the end when she is flying around at warp speed! It takes about 3 rings to finish her off.
  2. Always bring at least 3 Rez Necklaces, or you'll have a really tough time!


Hi there!
I haven't reached the famed Xircha yet, but just for my edification....Where is Dimbo? Where do you get Rez Necklaces...I've only seen one. Where do you get more Smite Rings? I've only found one (and it's gone!)


Adzy- The first level is amazingly easy. Tell me where you are, and I'll help you.

Jaelb- Dimbo is in the labyrinth, and there is an excellent map of it at Elizabeth's site:

There are 2 more smite rings in Ob + Ed, plus 2 in Ends of the Earth. 2 Rez Necklaces can be found there too, as well as Purple Haze. Good luck in the future!


Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!"


Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
**Jaelb- Dimbo is in the labyrinth...snip ...There are 2 more smite rings in Ob + Ed, plus 2 in Ends of the Earth. 2 Rez Necklaces can be found there too, as well as Purple Haze.-Cal


Thanks, Cal! Also, where the heck is Nimbo?


JJimWhite, go to (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000297.html")I suck(/url) topic (since I do) and Rip is me.

Adzgari Visionary, Leader of Squadron Firebird, Garit Fleet Commander, Azdara Stunt Pilot

"If I had a choice between power and speed, speed is what I'd go for."

"You call this fast?!"
–Adzy trying to buy an Adzgari Warship

No prob, Jae! Nimbo is in River of Fears, near the end. When you get to the stone door blocking the exit, go up and jump over the holes. They'll be a door, Nimbo's house.


PS Don't be confused by the screen name, it's JJimWWhite.

Calvin Crane
"I'm not always right, but
I'm never wrong"

(This message has been edited by FriendlyGuy (edited 05-26-2000).)