
Ok I had to use FerazEdit to get off Fire in the Hole because of a missing key. I am on the next level. Is there any way to stop the fire? Do you just run like mad? If I am running all the time, how do I pick up anything, and I am also way ahead of the scroll so I can't see where I am going. Any suggestions? 😉



Originally posted by Lolly:
**Ok I had to use FerazEdit to get off Fire in the Hole because of a missing key. I am on the next level. Is there any way to stop the fire? Do you just run like mad? If I am running all the time, how do I pick up anything, and I am also way ahead of the scroll so I can't see where I am going. Any suggestions?;)

Well, for sure you have to keep moving fast enough so the fire doesn't catch poor singed Ferazel! 🙂 You are not about to stop the fire, and if Ferazel runs, the fire speeds up to keep up with him. You probably will not have much time to collect goodies, but you can always return later, and perhaps better equipped.
Luckily there are a couple of save points at convenient locations.
Since the scene scrolls as fast as the fire advances, as long as Ferazel is standing at the right side of the screen he can wait just long enough to see what is coming next. You will find that if Ferazel is caughtin the flames, the scene will continue to scroll a few seconds so you will get a wee preview of what is coming next. That makes it easier to plan for the next trial run.
In Can't Stand the Heat, by far the biggest challenge is toward the end, when a lot of practice and patience are called for to get the red button depressed soon enough to make it through the stone door. See hints elsewhere on this board, six or eight weeks back.



So, yes, the idea is to run like mad. 😉

Another suggestion: save in different files every time you get to a save point. You might eventually want to go back and redo a part for one reason or another... trust me!



Originally posted by Lolly:
**Ok I had to use FerazEdit to get off Fire in the Hole because of a missing key. I am on the next level. Is there any way to stop the fire? Do you just run like mad? If I am running all the time, how do I pick up anything, and I am also way ahead of the scroll so I can't see where I am going. Any suggestions?;)


Lolly - glad to hear you got through Fire in the Hole - even if you did have to use FerazEdit!! Weird about that key! Good luck in Can't Stand the Heat. Don't worry about speeding through it - I found it was easier to maneuver through if I stayed at a pretty even pace. The fire stays the same distance behind you no matter what (unless you go too slow or stop, of course!).

Enjoy 😉
