Unemployed in Greenland


I've played Unemployed in Greenland lots of times, and I can get 100% Xichrons, 100% Secrets, but only 76% Enemies! Where are the other 24%? Please help me!




Originally posted by JJimWWhite:


I've played Unemployed in Greenland lots of times, and I can get 100% Xichrons, 100% Secrets, but only 76% Enemies! Where are the other 24%? Please help me!



Probably in Iceland 😃

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

What do you mean??



Um, I think he's just being funny. The answer is, no one knows (at least, I don't think anyone does). I'm stuck with exactly the same numbers you have and I swear I've killed everything. Has anyone actually managed to get 100% of everything in Unemployed in Greenland?


Hmm, you guys must be missing something. Because I just checked my stats on Unemployed in Greenland, and here are my stats:

Enemies: 80%
Xicrhons: 94%
Secrets: 80%

So it probably doesn't have anything to do with some baddies hidden in secrets (because you guys have all the secrets, but fewer baddies)

I don't know why I have more and you guys have less...just thought you'd like to know that it is possible to get more than 76%.

-- Jeff

Thanks you guys, now I know I'm not alone. Jeff, do you have any clue on how you got 80% enemies? Cause I've found all the secrets and taken both paths tons of times. Maybe we should report this to an Ambrosian as a bug in the game.




Originally posted by JJimWWhite:
Jeff, do you have any clue on how you got 80% enemies?

Not a clue at all 🙂 Perhaps there's a bug if you find all the secrets your enemy count will go down....?? Maybe, but who knows. All I know is that it says 80% for the enemies (considering what others are saying, I'm baffled too)

-- Jeff


Originally posted by Merciless:
**Hmm, you guys must be missing something. Because I just checked my stats on Unemployed in Greenland, and here are my stats:

Enemies: 80%
Xicrhons: 94%
Secrets: 80%

Just checked mine. My numbers are different from either one of you. They are:
Enemies: 84%
Xichrons: 96%
Secrets: 100%

I dunno. I've played it through quite a few times as well and this is the best I can do. One suggestion for an enemy you may have missed: After you go through all the cannons and have to kill the two axe swinging goblins, jump to the top of the trees and you should find a ledge to climb up. There's a goblin up there. I'm fairly sure this doesn't count as a secret, because I missed this the first time through and still got 100% of the secrets.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.

Okay, I checked on the goblin, but I seemed to have gotten it. I'll play the
level through a few more times, to see if I can find anything else.




Originally posted by Zelda:
**Just checked mine. My numbers are different from either one of you. They are:
Enemies: 84%
Xichrons: 96%
Secrets: 100%


To add to the stats here - went back and checked and mine are exactly the same as Zelda's - 84%, 96%, 100%. And I don't believe that I left anything behind - especially the Xichrons. As far as I remember, I got all of them. Go figure...



Go get the rest of the secrets if you can find them, then check your enemy %. I am going to report a bug.



I have the same stats as Zelda and Dian. I've played this level numerous times, wandered through it from end to end to end, and have never been able to get higher numbers on Xichrons and enemies. This has been discussed in one or two previous threads, but no comment from Ambrosia.

All right you guys, I'm reporting this as a bug to Ambrosia. That will end this all in the next update.

