Storm valley jumps

Have I missed some sort of required powerup or spell or something? Is it actually possible to get from the right set of yellow moving platforms in Storm Valley to the wall (you can see yellow springs inside it). I'm stuck! I can't grab that wall for anything!



Jaelb wrote:
**Have I missed some sort of required powerup or spell or something? Is it actually possible to get from the right set of yellow moving platforms in Storm Valley to the wall (you can see yellow springs inside it). I'm stuck! I can't grab that wall for anything!

I got to the wall by doing a fast-run/jump plus the "6" key and ended up clinging to the wall. It's even harder after you get over the wall, but there is a purple pool soon after you climb over the wall.




Originally posted by cats:
**I got to the wall by doing a fast-run/jump plus the "6" key and ended up clinging to the wall. It's even harder after you get over the wall, but there is a purple pool soon after you climb over the wall.



Cathy, Thanks for the tip! I got to the wall. Now I hate the springs. I have learned to control (sort of) the springs, but I just know I'll never get any further in this game! I can't beat the stupid Goblin Chief and I can't get past those springs. Is all lost?



Originally posted by Jaelb:
**Cathy, Thanks for the tip! I got to the wall. Now I hate the springs. I have learned to control (sort of) the springs, but I just know I'll never get any further in this game! I can't beat the stupid Goblin Chief and I can't get past those springs. Is all lost?

All is not lost . . . don't abandon your game! :eek: It is difficult, but I have to admit that this is one of the most frustrating areas I've been in in the game -- except for trying to kill Xichra! There are many more frustrating levels to come, but it's a great game!

As for the Goblin Chief . . . patience, patience, patience! 😉

Good luck! 😄




Originally posted by MissNif:
**All is not lost . . . don't abandon your game!:eek: It is difficult, but I have to admit that this is one of the most frustrating areas I've been in in the game -- except for trying to kill Xichra! There are many more frustrating levels to come, but it's a great game!

As for the Goblin Chief . . . patience, patience, patience! 😉


Thanks for the encouragement, Miss Nif! I absolutely loathe those awful springs...I'd rather get killed by that Goblin Chief about a dozen more times.



Originally posted by Jaelb:
**Thanks for the encouragement, Miss Nif! I absolutely loathe those awful springs...I'd rather get killed by that Goblin Chief about a dozen more times.

It is nice to get everything in each level, but you do realize you don't have to right? I mean, you can finish Storm Valley and go on to the next levels without ever messing with those springs.


Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)


Originally posted by Jaelb:
**Cathy, Thanks for the tip! I got to the wall. Now I hate the springs. I have learned to control (sort of) the springs, but I just know I'll never get any further in this game! I can't beat the stupid Goblin Chief and I can't get past those springs. Is all lost?

I found the best way to beat the Goblin Chief was by following the suggestion someone else made on this board - get as close as possible to him as you can, trying to avoid touching him; then shoot fireballs or bommerangs at him as fast as you can.




Originally posted by cats:
**I found the best way to beat the Goblin Chief was by following the suggestion someone else made on this board - get as close as possible to him as you can, trying to avoid touching him; then shoot fireballs or bommerangs at him as fast as you can.



I tried this, and it works very well: first, go to purple haze (difficult to find, but very usefull) and take all the kristal you can there. The cristals will duplicate the dammage of your spell. Then, go fighting the goblin chief with statue spell... he will die very soon. You will lose many of your cristals (if not all) but it works.

In fact, if you don't have any cristal, it works well two. The statue spell work well against him... but try to have a health potion and a mana potion with you...


(QUOTE)Originally posted by Ereid:
(B) Jaelb:
It is nice to get everything in each level, but you do realize you don't have to right? I mean, you can finish Storm Valley and go on to the next levels without ever messing with those springs.

Well, now I did NOT realize I didn't have to mess with those springs! THANKS! I am going to finish the stupid storm valley without them.

BTW, I bet the freaking Goblin Chief by some miracle.



Originally posted by Jaelb:
Well, now I did NOT realize I didn't have to mess with those springs! THANKS! I am going to finish the stupid storm valley without them.

BTW, I bet the freaking Goblin Chief by some miracle.

There's a couple unique things about this game that are not necessarily obvious. One is that you can finish the levels without getting all the enemies, Xichrons, and secrets (something that I found very important in Hangnabit :)). The other is that you can go back to any level you have been to before using the world map that's between levels. Which means you can skip practically everything in the level the first time through just to finish it, and then go back to whatever you skipped later when you're feeling more able and/or patient.

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)


Originally posted by Jaelb:
**Have I missed some sort of required powerup or spell or something? Is it actually possible to get from the right set of yellow moving platforms in Storm Valley to the wall (you can see yellow springs inside it). I'm stuck! I can't grab that wall for anything!


I'm having the same problem. I think I've tried getting over to that platform about 3,183 times and have never made it. I think my next move is to ask for a refund. This isn't fun. Whoever made this game has singlehandedly ruined Ambrosia's good name.


Originally posted by asher:
I'm having the same problem. I think I've tried getting over to that platform about 3,183 times and have never made it. I think my next move is to ask for a refund. This isn't fun. Whoever made this game has singlehandedly ruined Ambrosia's good name.

Some advice for enjoying the game - don't try to do EVERYTHING in each level in one shot. If you get stuck, move on to another level and give yourself a break from the frustration. You can come back to it later. Makes the game much more fun. Ferazel's Wand IS frustrating at times, but it's a great game - one of the best I've played in quite awhile! There's lots of new challenges awaiting you - ENJOY 😄



Originally posted by asher:
I'm having the same problem. I think I've tried getting over to that platform about 3,183 times and have never made it. I think my next move is to ask for a refund. This isn't fun. Whoever made this game has singlehandedly ruined Ambrosia's good name.

Asher, I finally did it by repeatedly doing a run then last second jump. BUT, the challenge that follows it is so annoying, that I recommend just getting to the end of the stupid Storm Valley without worrying about the right yellow clouds. There are actually fun things that follow Storm Valley! 🙂


Ok what yellow springs?? I haven't been able to get off the ground in storm valley. :frown:



Originally posted by Lolly:
**Ok what yellow springs?? I haven't been able to get off the ground in storm valley.:frown:

There are two places you get off the ground. The first it towards the beginning of the level, right before you get to the first armadillo, look for a power jump under the ground. There's an area you can jump up to that's close by it.

The second place is towards the end of the level, where the cannons and the spikes are. One of the cannons will shoot you straight up into the air, hold the right key and keep getting shot out of it and you'll eventually land on a platform that's moving up and down.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.


Originally posted by Zelda:
**There are two places you get off the ground. The first it towards the beginning of the level, right before you get to the first armadillo, look for a power jump under the ground. There's an area you can jump up to that's close by it.

The second place is towards the end of the level, where the cannons and the spikes are. One of the cannons will shoot you straight up into the air, hold the right key and keep getting shot out of it and you'll eventually land on a platform that's moving up and down.



Another route to the yellow springs is to jump up on a big rock, then onto those moving platforms, up and to the right. With good timing and luck, Lolly will be able to reach a vertical wall.




Originally posted by Grandalf:
Another route to the yellow springs is to jump up on a big rock, then onto those moving platforms, up and to the right. With good timing and luck, Lolly will be able to reach a vertical wall.
**'re right. Make that THREE places. You get to to the yellow springs by climbing the rock and jumping on the platform. You get to something else with the cannon. I forget. 🙂 Multicrystals, probably.


The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.