Obfusication and Jump Powerup

Can anyone tell me where I supposed to jump to with the powerup? The closest place to it is where the disappearing mounds are. Is it just there for a short cut up those, or is it to take me to a new place? I'm hoping it's with this powerup that I can get my 100% of everything.



Dian wrote:
**Can anyone tell me where I supposed to jump to with the powerup? The closest place to it is where the disappearing mounds are. Is it just there for a short cut up those, or is it to take me to a new place? I'm hoping it's with this powerup that I can get my 100% of everything.

Hmmm- I noticed that no answer to your question was yet forthcoming, so I'll toss in a few words. As I recall, about a month ago I jumped around in those boots, but didn't find anything that could not be reached just as well without the powerup. In fact it seemed to get in the way because it caused too much oomph at times. Other players may have more to offer on the subject.




Grandalf wrote:
**Hmmm- I noticed that no answer to your question was yet forthcoming, so I'll toss in a few words. As I recall, about a month ago I jumped around in those boots, but didn't find anything that could not be reached just as well without the powerup. In fact it seemed to get in the way because it caused too much oomph at times. Other players may have more to offer on the subject.



Thanks, Gandalf. I tried again jumping everywhere and couldn't see what it was for. I suppose being early on in the game, it's there just to get used to using it. Glad to know I wasn't missing something!!



Originally posted by Grandalf:
**Hmmm- I noticed that no answer to your question was yet forthcoming, so I'll toss in a few words. As I recall, about a month ago I jumped around in those boots, but didn't find anything that could not be reached just as well without the powerup. In fact it seemed to get in the way because it caused too much oomph at times. Other players may have more to offer on the subject.



False !! There is a secret area nearby, and you can acces it only with the power jump.

When you arrived at the breakable bridges, take your power jump, and return on all theses bridges. Near the beginning of this area, if you jump you will see a little place with water and a teleport (it will be before the first elevator). The teleport bring you to a secret place!

Veltor 😉



Originally posted by Veltor:
**False !! There is a secret area nearby, and you can acces it only with the power jump.

When you arrived at the breakable bridges, take your power jump, and return on all theses bridges. Near the beginning of this area, if you jump you will see a little place with water and a teleport (it will be before the first elevator). The teleport bring you to a secret place!

Veltor 😉

Do you mean that there are two secrets up there?! I always get to the teleporter in the water by climbing up the breakable ledges, but once they're broken . . . you get what I mean.




Originally posted by Veltor:
**False !! There is a secret area nearby, and you can acces it only with the power jump.

When you arrived at the breakable bridges, take your power jump, and return on all theses bridges. Near the beginning of this area, if you jump you will see a little place with water and a teleport (it will be before the first elevator). The teleport bring you to a secret place!

Veltor 😉

Gads..I wouldn't think the power jump would last long enough for me to make it all the way over there. But I suppose that would be an easier way of getting to it rather than jumping all those ledges. (Which you can still do without the power jump.)


<<Hmmm- I noticed that no answer to your question was yet forthcoming, so I'll toss in a few words. As I recall, about a month ago I jumped around in those boots, but didn't find anything that could not be reached just as well without the powerup. In fact it seemed to get in the way because it caused too much oomph at times. Other players may have more to offer on the subject.



I haven't gotten to that level yet in the real game, but I did do it in the demo. At least in the demo I finally figured out what it was for. Now I hope that I can explain it since it has been a little while. Right above the area where you get the first of the disappearing mounds is a mountain ledge ( I think it's vertical). If you jump up to that using the power jump and climb a bit there is an indentation. You can position yourself there and catch the second set of disappearing mounds without having to jump the first set.
Let me know if that works.
