Manditraki Wizard

When i enter the matter what i do...the Wizard is the winner! Help!!!



Originally posted by cjazz:
**When i enter the matter what i do...the Wizard is the winner! Help!!!

His fireballs won't hit you if you are directly above him - so, as often as you can, try to be on the block directly over his head.. Jump off the block in time to get out of the way of the rock, which, hopefuilly will land on the wizard's head.



Jumping off.....and the wizard isn't weakening.....and i am getting killed. I used all my goodies in addition to the rocks on his head...

Any pattern to his getting hit?



Originally posted by cjazz:
**Jumping off.....and the wizard isn't weakening.....and i am getting killed. I used all my goodies in addition to the rocks on his head...

Any pattern to his getting hit?

I think the rocks are the only things that will give him damage. So concentrate on those. The rock stays above your head until it turns solid, then it falls to the ground. So keep jumping to the platform above the wizard's head. As soon as the rock turns solid...jump to another ledge. Don't ever jump off the platforms onto the ground if you can avoid it. When the wizard starts shooting fireballs, just work on staying on a ledge where you can avoid it. He can't create rocks and shoot fireballs at the same time and he can't move around while he's shooting fireballs. Once you figure out his limitations, he's fairly easy to kill.

Good luck!


It took me a while to beat the wizard too, it takes patience. Try to always stay on the block ahead of him, because then he can't hit you with fireballs. Remember, he glows orange before he fires fireballs. I know most of this was already covered, but I like to help people out. Good luck! 🙂

