My time with Ferazel: A retrospective

Well, I finally broke down and used FerazaEdit to kill Xichra and complete the game. Even with 255 Ziridium seeds, I still ran out eventually (about 2/3 hit her) and had to use some fire seeds and smite rings to finish her off.

I'm very impressed with anyone that has beaten her without using the "secret" ledge and FerazEdit. Although 99 Ziridium seeds and 99 fire seeds sounds like a lot, it really isn't! There's very little room for missed shots.

Anyway, now looking back on the game as a whole, I thought I'd offer some (hopefully) constructive comments for Ben (and his next game ;-)).

1. Non-linear gameplay is excellent! I really liked being able to take levels in a non-linear fashion and come back to ones later.

2. Great use of backgrounds and music to set the mood and environment. Fantastic job by the artist and composer!

3. More spells/items! 🙂 I was disappointed not to use the "mist potion" and some of the other goodies. Some puzzles that require non straight-forward use of items/spells could be fun.

4. A difficulty curve is important. The first couple FW levels are pretty easy, but then the player gets whapped with "Flash Freeze" and "Labyrinth." I found that to be a rather big and sudden jump in difficulty.

5. IMO, there are too many spots where split-second timing is crucial and the player is forced to do the same thing over and over again until he/she gets it. It is difficult to walk the line between "challenging" and "frustrating," but I came close to making my FW CD a frisbee quite a few times (especially through those hideous fire levels) and it seems a lot of other people did too. I'm probably just too stubborn to give up, but I can see people just deleting the game and putting the CD away when it gets too frustrating.

6. Keep an eye on the small stuff. Although not "show-stoppers," there were quite a few bugs in the game and some inconsistencies in the documentation. The little things add up and detract from the overall impression. Additionally, I found the lack of the boss in the ice levels obvious, and it made Iceconoclasm seem pointless.

7. The last level (Xichra's Lair) is too difficult. 😉

Overall, though, a fun, challenging, and huge game. Well worth the money.

Thanks Ben and Ambrosia!


Actually killing Xichra isn’t that hard if you figure out how to dodge the big red thingies......there’s actually enough room to stand between them as they are falling. It takes a little practice to get used to, but after that, it’s fairly simple. And Rez necklaces help.

And I definitely agree on the art and sound. Both were very high quality. I especially liked the stereo effects (listen to the noise created by the things Xichra drops on you— use headphones) and the light maps. Just wanted to note the stereo effects because nobody else has!

I think the worst offender on the split-second timing is Parched Earth, with the cannons in Ends Of The Earth being a close second. Specifically it was the cannons in both cases that were annoying; in Parched Earth the spinning cannons before the spikes eat up the vast majority of the time I spend getting through the level (often causing me to have to go back to the beginning) and in Ends of the Earth I usually only get one shot or so to make it through....Flash Freeze wasn’t that bad. In “If You Can’t Stand The Heat.....” toss a few fireseeds into the cannon right before the switch before going through yourself (hope that makes sense!) and it becomes MUCH easier.

I personally would just like to see more Ferazel, and I made a post on that topic.....hope you find it interesting.

And yes, it was worth the money!


Originally posted by Tristan:
Actually killing Xichra isn’t that hard if you figure out how to dodge the big red thingies......there’s actually enough room to stand between them as they are falling. It takes a little practice to get used to, but after that, it’s fairly simple. And Rez necklaces help.

How on Earth did you do it!? I have been trying for weeks, if not longer, to kill her and I just can't do it! I use the ledge on the left, so I don't need to worry about the red mace balls, and I'm very conservative with my seeds so that I dont' waste them. I have 7 rez necklaces going into the level, but always run out of seeds way before I run out of life! :mad:



You're crazy...

I break things...

and you're lucky your whole ISP isn't banned (as is everyone else who uses it). Come on, if you don't want to read these messages, don't read the damn things. You could safely add 'yawn'.
