Why won't Dimbo talk to me?

I have another question, thanks for the tip about the yellow Springs, how come Dimbo just tells me to go away? Is that what he's supposed to say? I know I talked to Nimbo because I gave his stash back. Thanks!


I'm not positive about this, but I'm pretty sure that he doesn't talk to you because you took his stash in the first place. I have never taken his stash, so I really don't know about this first-hand, but from what I've heard others say, I'm pretty sure that this is the case. 😛




Calvin wrote:
**I have another question, thanks for the tip about the yellow Springs, how come Dimbo just tells me to go away? Is that what he's supposed to say? I know I talked to Nimbo because I gave his stash back. Thanks!

If you gave Nimbo his stash back and had the whole dialogue with him about helping him to find his brother, Dimbo should talk to you. Sometimes, if you're like me...you get your games mixed up. 🙂 Something I thought I did turned out to be something I did on a previous save. Try going back to Nimbo one more time and then go back to Dimbo. If it still doesn't work, you've found yourself a bug!



Zelda wrote:
**If you gave Nimbo his stash back and had the whole dialogue with him about helping him to find his brother, Dimbo should talk to you. Sometimes, if you're like me...you get your games mixed up.:) Something I thought I did turned out to be something I did on a previous save. Try going back to Nimbo one more time and then go back to Dimbo. If it still doesn't work, you've found yourself a bug!

I've played the game both ways. The first time I did exactly what Calvin did and got the same result -- I took the stash and then gave it back when visiting Nimbo, who then told me to go find his brother. But I could never get Dimbo to talk to me in that game. You would think that if you give the money back you'd get the same scenario as if you'd never taken the stash in the first place. Were you able to get that to happen, Zelda? if so, then the game is playing different for different people and there is a bug. (This is the buggiest game I've ever seen, so it wouldn't surprise me.)

Calvin, I hate to tell you this, but you really need what Nimbo gives you when you free Dimbo. I cannot imagine how one could finish the game without it, tho' I suppose it's been done by the best of Ferazelers.


LT wrote:
I've played the game both ways. The first time I did exactly what Calvin did and got the same result -- I took the stash and then gave it back when visiting Nimbo, who then told me to go find his brother. But I could never get Dimbo to talk to me in that game. You would think that if you give the money back you'd get the same scenario as if you'd never taken the stash in the first place. Were you able to get that to happen, Zelda?

Here's how I played it: I didn't find Nimbo's stash the first time I went through CC. I talked to Nimbo and he asked me to find his brother. I went back to CC to find the missing secret and found Nimbo's stash. Then I went on to Labyrinth and found Dimbo and everything went just fine. I went back to Nimbo and he accused me of stealing his money and wouldn't talk to me. I "gave back" his money and he said, "thanks, I need the money to find my brother Dimbo. Thanks for finding my brother Dimbo!" 🙂 Did you get that result with the update as well? I know there was a problem with Nimbo's stash, maybe that had something to do with the problems you had.

**(This is the buggiest game I've ever seen, so it wouldn't surprise me.)

Naaah, you didn't play Cythera. 😛


I think I need to revive this old train of thought. I found an empty Dimbo stash, had to pay money to Nimbo, Dimbo would not talk to me, I went back to Nimbo and he greeted me as if he were seing me for the first time! And all this with the fix.
So, please help, how do I sort this one out?



Originally posted by yva:
**I think I need to revive this old train of thought. I found an empty Dimbo stash, had to pay money to Nimbo, Dimbo would not talk to me, I went back to Nimbo and he greeted me as if he were seing me for the first time! And all this with the fix.
So, please help, how do I sort this one out?

After you paid Nimbo the cash, what did he say to you after that? Did you back away and approach him again so that the dialogue about finding his brother was triggered? I think it's necessary to do this.

The update won't reset the stash correctly if you had already visited CC at all before you updated.



Originally posted by Zelda:
**After you paid Nimbo the cash, what did he say to you after that? Did you back away and approach him again so that the dialogue about finding his brother was triggered? I think it's necessary to do this.

The update won't reset the stash correctly if you had already visited CC at all before you updated.


Me again! I went back and played that whole Nimbo thing again after I stole the stash from CC. Nimbo demands the money back, I give it to him, and he launches into the story about his poor kidnapped brother and tells me to let him know if I find him. I backed away and then approached again, and he did indeed treat me as if he had never seen me before. Apparently the trigger for the brothers to recognize you doesn't work with the dialogue Nimbo launches into after you repay the stash. It's necessary to approach again. Since the dialogue is exactly the same..this must be a bug!!

Who gets a new car today!!


Originally posted by Zelda:
**After you paid Nimbo the cash, what did he say to you after that? Did you back away and approach him again so that the dialogue about finding his brother was triggered? I think it's necessary to do this.

The update won't reset the stash correctly if you had already visited CC at all before you updated.


I definetely updated before I met Nimbo. Still I'll try saving and going back to him again. Thanks Zelda




Originally posted by Zelda:
Who gets a new car today!!

I'd guess you since you brought it up. 🙂 What kind are you getting?

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)


Originally posted by Ereid:
**I'd guess you since you brought it up.:) What kind are you getting?

I got a Dodge Intrepid. Red!! Oh...and if you'd like some more boring details, I have discovered that car dealer lots are one of the remaining bastions for male chauvinism. 🙂 It was sooooo annoying!!!



Originally posted by Zelda:
**I got a Dodge Intrepid. Red!! Oh...and if you'd like some more boring details, I have discovered that car dealer lots are one of the remaining bastions for male chauvinism.:) It was sooooo annoying!!!


Hello Zelda
Enjoy your new car. I am a dinozaur - I do not drive, so no experience of car dealers, but I've plenty of experience of plumbers, electricians and builders and they all specialise in their varied brands of male chauvinism.

By the way I saved again after revisiting Nimbo and it worked this time. I am just mifted about having to waste one of the few saving points I left behind.




Originally posted by Zelda:
**...I have discovered that car dealer lots are one of the remaining bastions for male chauvinism.:) It was sooooo annoying!!!


I totally agree. I just did the car shopping thing a year ago (got a 99 Toyota Corolla, blue), and the first two dealers were so disrespectful, I got my father to go with me the next time. They were much nicer to him. Anyway, enjoy your new car!

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)


Originally posted by yva:
**Hello Zelda
Enjoy your new car. I am a dinozaur - I do not drive, so no experience of car dealers, but I've plenty of experience of plumbers, electricians and builders and they all specialise in their varied brands of male chauvinism.

By the way I saved again after revisiting Nimbo and it worked this time. I am just mifted about having to waste one of the few saving points I left behind.


Thanks, Yva...and I'm glad the Nimbo thing finally worked for you. 🙂 I'll send a report to Ambrosia...I guess if they decide they need another update they can put this on the list.



Originally posted by Ereid:
**I totally agree. I just did the car shopping thing a year ago (got a 99 Toyota Corolla, blue), and the first two dealers were so disrespectful, I got my father to go with me the next time. They were much nicer to him. Anyway, enjoy your new car!

I'm getting so good at taking a perfectly good topic and taking it completely off course. Why stop now?

Elizabeth, I actually found it to be a bit better without any male helpers. My dad really wanted to help me with this, I love him to absolute pieces...but I knew he'd completely take over, so I took my brother who's a bit more laid-back and can be counted on to give me just the amount of help that I want. Every place we went was the same routine. The salesman would talk to my brother. ONLY. When I would ask a question, the eyes would briefly sidle to me in surprise..(Look! She talks!) and as he answered my question, he'd turn back to my brother as if my brother was the one that asked the question! So I decided to go it alone. 🙂 I managed to find a couple salesmen (I know there are women salespeople...but I never saw one.) that didn't treat me as if I was completely wasting their time and I even got a deal!! I'm so proud of me. And my dad grudging admitted that I didn't do "too bad." Heck, I'm ready to write a book.
