Statue Spell


Where do you find the Statue Spell? I've looked everywhere! Please help me.


The statue spell is found at the end of the Eastern Reaches level. However, if you don't have the update then the spell sometimes doesn't show up. The URL for the update (version 1.0.3, I believe) can be found in another thread on this board, but I can't remember the URl or the thread name off the top of my head at the moment -- sorry!

Good luck & happy Ferazel-ing!

Nif 😄


Thanks, Nif, I owe you one!


If I may be so bold as to correct Miss Nif: actually the statue spell is to be found at the far end, near the exit, of Western Reaches. It is somewhat tricky to get, because you have to find a special key first to get through a locked door.




Originally posted by Grandalf:
**If I may be so bold as to correct Miss Nif: actually the statue spell is to be found at the far end, near the exit, of Western Reaches. It is somewhat tricky to get, because you have to find a special key first to get through a locked door.


I stand corrected! Thank you Grandalf! You'd think that after 29 years of life a girl would know the difference between East and West! I suck when it comes to Geography! 😉

