Will there be a sequel?

I know it’s probably a little early to begin thinking about a possible sequel, but the features of Ferazel’s Wand have my brain buzzing anyway. From browsing the other posts on this board, I gather that there’s a fair amount that didn’t quite make it into this game, like the poppyseed muffin and the vorpal dirk. There’s also a lot that could be done with the dialogue style (okay, I normally play RPGs, so plot is always the first thing to pop into my head, but still) and the physics model is really cool and well thought out. Nice use of state AIs too on the enemies, Ben— I liked the way they’d run away if they took lots of damage (in that vein, I also liked the way enemies took damage from acid, spikes, and such).

One thing that strikes me as suspicious is the fact that you only see a few Manditraki in the game. I was sure, when I fought the first boss, that I’d be fighting hordes of Manditraki warriors by the end of the game, yet Xichra herself employs goblins as guards in her private chambers, and not Manditraki warriors! Have we defeated the real Xichra, or is this all part of a clever ruse?

I also think a sequel could extend the environments Ferazel is familiar with by a lot. For example, one could set a level in the ziridium mines themselves, which would surely be interesting. And where do the Manditraki come from, anyway? Is it in Teraknorn, or do they come from somewhere else? Seashore levels would be pretty cool too. Will Ferazel ever get a spell that works underwater? How about some levels taking advantage of the feather-fall powerup (as opposed to its use in Out Of The Frying Pan)?

My basic point is that there’s lots of ways for a sequel to go, and that there’s lots of things that haven’t quite been done in the world of Teraknorn. I liked the inclusion of the fire and ice levels a lot— too often, people’s ideas of terrain are limited to the terrain found in Europe plus caves, ie.caves, forests, rivers, mountains, and sometimes swamps. Labyrinth was my favorite level for its cool, collected atmosphere (good music helped a lot) and general challenge, which was fairly original for a side-scroller— in most side-scrollers, the challenge is getting there, not figuring out where to go. I also think the use of energetic music in Iceconoclasm was nifty.

Xichra’s kinda cute, too.

Oh well. I’ve never tried web boards before, I thought I’d give it a shot.



Tristan wrote:
My basic point is that there’s lots of ways for a sequel to go, and that there’s lots of things that haven’t quite been done in the world of Teraknorn. I liked the inclusion of the fire and ice levels a lot— too often, people’s ideas of terrain are limited to the terrain found in Europe plus caves, ie.caves, forests, rivers, mountains, and sometimes swamps. Labyrinth was my favorite level for its cool, collected atmosphere (good music helped a lot) and general challenge, which was fairly original for a side-scroller— in most side-scrollers, the challenge is getting there, not figuring out where to go. I also think the use of energetic music in Iceconoclasm was nifty.

I agree. I was incredibly impressed with the creativity in this game. Each level was completely different than the last and there was such a wide variety of experiences. You could figure out one level and solve it fairly well, then you move on to the next and everything you learned in the previous level has no bearing in that one. It's without a doubt the hardest game I've ever played, but I've not been bored with it for a second. 🙂 Every level holds a new twist. Actually..it holds several!


Don't hurt me, guys, but I actually really liked the desert levels -- The Dig and even Parched Earth. I mean, the excuse of a curse on the desert to set a five minute time limit is a little weak, but I thought it was a great challenge. The Dig was also cool simply because it was so unique.

When I stare at the resources, I find myself sighing in regret that we didn't find Sara and Taryn and the Forest Nymph Matriarch. And what about those mirrors, anyway? And what would those spells have looked like? No pressure, Ben, but if you made a sequal, I'd buy it. 🙂


Just wanted to chime in and say that I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more of Ferazel. I'm not as far into the game as the rest of you all seem to be but I've already thought ahead to the inevitable day I complete this game more than once and long for more...I've never enjoyed a game as much as this one!!!!! Many thanks to Ben for creating such fun!


Yes, a Sequel. I'd pay real money for it. I haven't been into gaming much since my Atari 800/ST days 15 years ago. When I read about FW, I thought it was worth a look. All other downloads I've tried just haven't been worth it, but FW was worth buying -- and so would a sequel -- PREFERRABLY ONE WE COULD BEAT!

I think it'd be cool to have Ferazel do battle with more beasts, something on the order of dinosaurs. Also, more mechanical thingamabobs would be fun to tinker with. And finally, a few easter eggs would be neat -- I'd like to see Harry pop up here and there, as well as other subtle reference to other Ambrosia games.

Some mischief spells would be cool, too. I'd like to see a De Ja Vu ring that lets you replay the last 5 or 10 seconds of action (ie: if you die, fall into a chasm, or just need to rethink your last move). Also, working through buildings (a la the dungeon in Rogue) would be fun, too. (Man I sure could go for a yummy mango!).

Anyway, bring it on!



Speaking of Easter Eggs (though it isn't really one, I suppose) when you enter the Labyrinth set of levels you see a picture of Ferazel, holding a torch up to a wall in a dead end... and on that wall is a faint carving that looks suspiciously like a parrot... Am I just seeing things, or have other people seen this too?

Anyway, I agree with all those suggestions. The De Ja Vu ring sounds pretty interesting... I don't know how it would work, but it would be nifty to have a second chance here and there!


(This message has been edited by Rilla (edited 04-06-2000).)

Parrot? If it is, it could be Ambrosia's mascot hidden in the game (I really can't remember the name....Captain Hector I believe it is?)

And Jodeo, there are a few easter eggs in FW. If you option-click on New Game (typical go-to-level cheat) a dialog will come up saying:

Ferazel sez:
No more cheating!

And as usual in Ambrosia games, if you hit the 'x' key at the main screen you don't get an x-poem this time, but a list of upcoming Ferazel events 🙂

Does anyone know of other easter eggs in the game? Maybe a secret about box perhaps?

-- Jeff

Ok...i admit it....i am addicted....!! I am frustrated in the Parched Earth...ready to stick my head in the oven...BUT

I LOVE THIS GAME! Bring on more Ferazel. It's been a long time since any game has peaked my juices. My congrats to you...please share your gift again through a sequel!!!


Thank you all for the kind words about Ferazel. They really make it all worthwhile. 🙂 As far as a sequel, I'm not sure. I'm working on a different project right now, but the possibility of making a sequel or perhaps an expansion pack of new levels has crossed my mind. The more popular Ferazel ends up being, the more likely it is that we'll do something else with it. So, tell your friends to try the game and stuff. 🙂


Ben Spees / Coding Boffin / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

An expansion pack of games sounds pretty great, Ben! I'm a little slower at this than some of the others, but I've been getting through a little at a time, and I'm ALMOST DONE! Then what???!!! How can I survive without the little guy any more?! 🙂


What a great idea! Count me in for a new set of adventures. I haven't finished the current game, but I'm totally addicted. More, More, More!

Ben did an amazing job the first time around, so I hope his creative juices can still be turned on for another round. I think my granddaughter would agree.




Rilla wrote:
**Speaking of Easter Eggs (though it isn't really one, I suppose) when you enter the Labyrinth set of levels you see a picture of Ferazel, holding a torch up to a wall in a dead end... and on that wall is a faint carving that looks suspiciously like a parrot... Am I just seeing things, or have other people seen this too?

Anyway, I agree with all those suggestions. The De Ja Vu ring sounds pretty interesting... I don't know how it would work, but it would be nifty to have a second chance here and there!


There's more to that picture. Those who have played Marathon II (rest its soul) will realize that this picture resembles amazingly a level entry image in MII. I asked Lord Ben about it too--he considers it a homage to this game. Can't say this is the game that inspires me to do my work, but hey... 🙂

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram

In response to Ben's thought about add-ons.

Another thought is this...3rd party levels. I realize Ben, and most other heads at Ambrosia, are leaning as far away as possible from releasing the Mascot Editor for Ferazel. However, I am currently assembling--yes, I have the editor in my possession!-- my second level for Ferazel, completely finished with the first, and starting the third. No release dates as of yet. Can't say it will be rockin' like Ben's, but I think I'll enter new level dimensions. 🙂

How did you guys know about the Poppyseed Muffin and the Vorpal Dirk? I thought only the editor could reveal stuff like that.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram


spamguy wrote:
How did you guys know about the Poppyseed Muffin and the Vorpal Dirk? I thought only the editor could reveal stuff like that.

The Vorpal Dirk is one of the goodies described in the manual. Also some other items I haven't seen in the current game, such as a mist potion and The Hammer! 🙂

Grandalf the Grizzled



spamguy wrote:
How did you guys know about the Poppyseed Muffin and the Vorpal Dirk? I thought only the editor could reveal stuff like that.

You can also get these items in the game using FerazEdit (which I wrote). It's a saved-game editor for Ferazel's wand. (url="http://"http://software.theresistance.net/")http://software.theresistance.net/(/url)

David Shaw (a.k.a. Arkham)
Author of FerazEdit


spamguy wrote:
**How did you guys know about the Poppyseed Muffin and the Vorpal Dirk? I thought only the editor could reveal stuff like that.

And then there's the people like me who like to forage through the resources of a program as soon as they get it....that's how I found out about all those extra goodies (I'm not much into reading manuals...I say if it's a well made game, you don't need the manual to get started or to enjoy it, and, Ferazel's Wand is just such a game 🙂 )

-- Jeff


Originally posted by spamguy:

yes, I have the editor in my possession!


You have the editor!? give it to me! I have TONS of ideas for a world! and anyway how did you get it.

Ferazel the goblin frizzler 🆒

(This message has been edited by Ferazel (edited 04-22-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Ferazel (edited 04-23-2000).)


Originally posted by Tristan:
Will Ferazel ever get a spell that works underwater?

Yes. In Fire in the Hole (first fire level) you can get the V-Blade spell. It's cool to go back to River of fears and defeat all the fishies with it. 😉 heh heh...
AARRGGHH!! I forgot to change the Name and Password fields after my brother posted and I can't delete the post! This post was actually written by Croikle, not Ferazel.

(This message has been edited by Ferazel (edited 04-22-2000).)

This is just to confirm that I actually wrote the previous post. If Ferazel was trying to impersonate me then I wouldn't have written this.

Ahhhhh, I was looking forward to getting the Vorpal Dirk too...

What would be nice in an expansion set would be a secret level with a reusable save point or an update to add that. As it is there are several ways a game could be permanently messed up and I have come too close for comfort to one of them. The save points in a level would not be rendered useless as its real handy to start where you left off especially in levels like labyrinth. Once I get to the fire caverns I bet starting where I left off will be real handy...

"Landing request denied."

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/")http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/(/url)

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 04-22-2000).)

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 04-25-2000).)