How to reach Purple Haze ??

How do I reach purple Haze ?? I did Obfuscation & Edification so many times that I can't figure where could be the other exit to reach Purple Haze? I only can reach the Labyrinthe, that's all !!



Originally posted by Veltor:
**How do I reach purple Haze ?? I did Obfuscation & Edification so many times that I can't figure where could be the other exit to reach Purple Haze? I only can reach the Labyrinthe, that's all !!


You have to go into the swamp water to get there...
Do you know where there are the two pillows that you have to jump down to get on in between the spiked walls that each take you up to different areas? In the swamp by the second pillow to your right is a secret passageway that takes you to Purple Haze.



Originally posted by Dian:
**You have to go into the swamp water to get there...

Continuation of SPOILER
You don't HAVE to get there via the swamp water. You can get inside of the small solid areas just above the swamp -- one is filled with water and Xichrons, and the other has a downward passage to the secret level. To get to the latter, look for a purple pool with a bat and a fancy tombstone and blast your way rightward...


Originally posted by Dian:
**You have to go into the swamp water to get there...

While that is possible (thanks to what I'm pretty sure is a bug :p) that's not really the intended way to get there. The real way is to find the invisible doorway. I think rather than giving it away here, I will add some instructions to the Player's Guide under the Full Version Q&A; for Obfuscation & Edification. Give me a few minutes to add it, and then go to the Player's Guide if you want the instructions (see URL in my sig).

Oops. Looks like LT and I had the same thought. Well, I'll put my instructions on the the Player's Guide anyway.

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

(This message has been edited by Ereid (edited 04-20-2000).)


Originally posted by Ereid:
**While that is possible (thanks to what I'm pretty sure is a bug:p ) that's not really the intended way to get there. The real way is to find the invisible doorway. I think rather than giving it away here, I will add some instructions to the Player's Guide under the Full Version Q&A; for Obfuscation & Edification. Give me a few minutes to add it, and then go to the Player's Guide if you want the instructions (see URL in my sig).

Oops. Looks like LT and I had the same thought. Well, I'll put my instructions on the the Player's Guide anyway.


LT and Elizabeth - I stand corrected!! Did not know you could get there another way - mmmm, I'll have to go back and try it the right way - if I could only remember which door is the one to get me to that room. Thanks, guys! 🙂



Originally posted by LT:


Originally posted by Dian:
**You have to go into the swamp water to get there...

You don't HAVE to get there via the swamp water. You can get inside of the small solid areas just above the swamp -- one is filled with water and Xichrons, and the other has a downward passage to the secret level. To get to the latter, look for a purple pool with a bat and a fancy tombstone and blast your way rightward... **

Oh Boy!! A very difficult exit, isn't it?

I tried the two ways: I went to the purple pool, with a bath and a stone, and I fired the wall to my right. There, I found a secret place, with big mushrooms where I can jump on, and I blasted the wall on my right with fire seeds. It blasted for a while, but not all the wall blasted, it ended at a point, and I am not able to do any hole down or long from this point. Didn't find any exit.

So, I went to the swamp, with the "ghost" stair, and I blasted the wall to my right. I found a room with a mana cristal, but that's all! I didn't succeed to blast or fire the wall in any way, and still didn't find any exit.

So, where is that exit? And, the invisible door, where it is, I didn't find it either... big problem...



Originally posted by Veltor:
**Oh Boy!! A very difficult exit, isn't it?

I tried the two ways: I went to the purple pool, with a bath and a stone, and I fired the wall to my right. There, I found a secret place, with big mushrooms where I can jump on, and I blasted the wall on my right with fire seeds. It blasted for a while, but not all the wall blasted, it ended at a point, and I am not able to do any hole down or long from this point. Didn't find any exit.

So, I went to the swamp, with the "ghost" stair, and I blasted the wall to my right. I found a room with a mana cristal, but that's all! I didn't succeed to blast or fire the wall in any way, and still didn't find any exit.

So, where is that exit? And, the invisible door, where it is, I didn't find it either... big problem...

You were on the right track with the first area. Once you get to the point where you can't blast anymore wall away, walk to the end and hit the "up" if there was a door there. That's the invisible door!! 🙂



Originally posted by Zelda:
**You were on the right track with the first area. Once you get to the point where you can't blast anymore wall away, walk to the end and hit the "up" if there was a door there. That's the invisible door!!:)


Adding to what Zelda has said . . . there are four things that look like the ledges or footholds that there have been in other levels. They are basically your "door".




Originally posted by MissNif:
**Adding to what Zelda has said . . . there are four things that look like the ledges or footholds that there have been in other levels. They are basically your "door".



I found it :-))

And wow, what a level! The effort for finding it is worth the price, what a usefull level (and a bit comic two 😉 I hope there is an another level like that in the game...

So, now, if I could only kill the manditraki wizard and finish the parched earth in less than 5 minutes... 😉

Thanks a lot guys 🙂


I have been on the pillow going down between the spikes....i can see the passageway...but i can't find a way in. if i jump off pillow...i!



Originally posted by cjazz:
**I have been on the pillow going down between the spikes....i can see the passageway...but i can't find a way in. if i jump off pillow...i!

It is possible to jump off the pillow and not die, but it's just a matter of practice. If you are having difficulties getting to it from there, I would recommend getting to it by way of the purple pool with the tomb stone.

Nif 😄
