How do you kill the goblin chief in Storm Valley? No matter what i use....it doesn't faze him..and can't jump to anywhere....HELP!!!



cjazz wrote:
**How do you kill the goblin chief in Storm Valley? No matter what i use....it doesn't faze him..and can't jump to anywhere....HELP!!!


What I used was the statue spell - worked after just a few blasts at him!


The goblin chief in Storm Valley? It sounds like you've got your levels crossed. Assuming you're talking about the Goblin Chief in the level Goblin Chief, you just have to keep hitting him with spells until he's killed. Most people seem to recommend the Statue Spell to do the most damage. You will also want to get as many multi-crystals as you can find. Then run in and stand as close as you can to him without getting hit. And then fire away.

If I've misunderstood what you were talking about, please post again and clarify where you are looking for help.

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

If you're talking about one of the gray colored jumping goblins, that is not the "Chief." A gray baddy takes twice (or so) as many hits as a green one before it will succumb. Just keep hitting him as you dodge! Fireseeds are fast, too, if you have any to spare.



The Goblin Chief, which is west/left of River of Fears:

Use the tree-trunk spell before entering the screen with the big guy and climb up the wall on the right. From there, drop seeds and fire fireballs at him until he's gone.

"But you can't get the tree trunk spell until AFTER you've killed him..."

Well, legally speaking, yes. But... there are other ways...

(You can also 'bounce' off his knife blade and catch the wall. I've done that, too.)



Okay...just tell me this. Is it possible to kill the goblin chief if you don't have any crystals? I have the statue spell, but no crystals.



Originally posted by Jaelb:
**Okay...just tell me this. Is it possible to kill the goblin chief if you don't have any crystals? I have the statue spell, but no crystals.

Absolutely. The multicrystals help, but you lose them one at a time as you are hit anyway. I would suggest having a health and magic potion. But you'll have to drink them fast!

I kill him by running towards him and hitting him with the statue spell. When he jumps..I run towards where he'll land. It's pointless if you get too far away from him. After the statue spell is gone..the dagger will work. I've finished him that way. 🙂 Some others have mentioned that you can "ride" one his blades up the east wall to a ledge and toss spells down on him from there. I've not tried that method.
