Freeze Frame

I have made the pad jump and climbed up and got the heart, and goodies at the top of the ledge that was enclosed. Where do I go from there? I tried to go back to the right where the blue crystals were and went passed the spike...but died?



Originally posted by cjazz:
**I have made the pad jump and climbed up and got the heart, and goodies at the top of the ledge that was enclosed. Where do I go from there? I tried to go back to the right where the blue crystals were and went passed the spike...but died?


Hi, cjazz - would love to help, but can you describe a little bit better where you are?



Originally posted by cjazz:
**I have made the pad jump and climbed up and got the heart, and goodies at the top of the ledge that was enclosed. Where do I go from there? I tried to go back to the right where the blue crystals were and went passed the spike...but died?

Go back through the door and jump down to the pentashield and speed powerups. Shoot out any walls you find blocking your way...when you get to the last wall, there's a button you spin jump down to find.

That is, if I'm correct as to where you are. 🙂 And you are in Flash Freeze? I hope?


I hope I am stating the correct place that i am in. I am in Freeze Frame(I hope), i got the icepick and escape ring....went right got the blue crystals and there is a box at the top with a green crystal in it. I left that one alone for this time. I got up on the floating icepads and went back across the water...and i finally made it to the ledge with the goodies on it including the one that encases you in those green balls. where do i go? I tried to cross back to the right to return to the box with the green crystal....that's no problem..but the spiked walls are there...and no matter what i do....i can't get up them...even with the tree spell. BTW....I hate those frogs!!LOL


OK, you're not in Flash Freeze, you're in Iceconoclasm. (The Ice pick and Escape rings were in the previous level, Flash Freeze.) You can get up the spike walls with one (or both) of two spells -- the Tree Trunk spell, which you probably already have, and the Ice Wall spell, which you might have missed. Although some people say that Tree Trunk is easier for getting up the spiked walls, I think Ice Wall is easier and I wouldn't go any further in the game without it. You can find instructions for getting Ice Wall elsewhere on the board, or post again if you want a spoiler.

PS. I hate the frogs, too, more than any of the other enemies!