Ends of the Earth--URGENT!

Well, probably not any more urgent than everyone's questions have been about EVERYTHING (grin). I would like to save myself some health and magic, and go back to the point where I have to use the tree trunk spell to get to the short spike wall that takes me to the downhill where I have to jump over the lobster claw things.

The place I mean, is right after you use the icepick on the three ice walls then get shot downward and have to fight/avoid those spirit things, get smite rings, etc. by using the hidden transporter, and go on to the right, where you have to use the tree trunk spell, as far as I know, to get up to where you can use the ice wall spell to...

Anyway, what I would like to know, is if anyone has any special trick to not losing a WHOLE bunch of health and magic just getting up that short little space!!! I actually have a game saved PAST there, and have been as far as trying to get through the cannons shooting to the left progression, near the end of the level, but by then I need MORE magic and MORE health, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I actually get to Xichra, for crying out loud (sigh).



lindawing wrote:

Anyway, what I would like to know, is if anyone has any special trick to not losing a WHOLE bunch of health and magic just getting up that short little space!!! I actually have a game saved PAST there, and have been as far as trying to get through the cannons shooting to the left progression, near the end of the level, but by then I need MORE magic and MORE health, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I actually get to Xichra, for crying out loud (sigh).


There is a purple pool in Ends of the Earth and also, after you jump all the cliffs and get through all the springs to the doorway, there is alot more health and magic to get. It's hard, though, 'cause the Tree Trunk spell uses so much magic and you need to use it all over again (and again and again).


What I do (from the transporter) is take running jumps to avoid the spinning knives as much as possible, and run all the way to the right. You have to take some damage from the evil spirits and from the swinging knife when you spin down to get the two smite rings. From all the way at the right, you don't get hit by the swinging knife there and only one evil spirit shows up to bomb you -- he's a nuisance enough though. From that wall though, you can use your tree trunk spell and it builds close enough to the far spikes that you don't get hurt by spikes while jumping up it -- but an evil spirit does show up. I find that not having the tree trunk growing in the middle of that gap makes it easier to get up. Also, I never bothered with switching to the ice wall spell here. I found it faster and easier to just take the tree trunk all the way up.

Hope this helped you in some way -- you were certainly a huge help to me last week! 😄 Good luck!



I have actually gotten all the way up with the tree trunk spell once, but I don't seem to be very good about climbing the thing. Again, I think it's mainly due to my non-Apple keyboard (I run a StarMax at home). My gamepad keys are limited, and I get frustrated with that, too.

I've been thinking about switching out my keyboard at work for a day, to see how the real thing works with Ferazel! I'm sure it HAS to be better. I simply CANNOT do some of the long jumps with this keyboard, though they work fine on my gamepad, and others of you have said they work fine on YOUR keyboards.

But then, perhaps it's just my bad coordination (sigh). Frustration!

Anyway, thanks for the hints and helps. I'll keep trying. 🙂


Well, practice certainly DOES make perfect! It took me two nights, but after much trial, tribulation, and practice, practice, practice, I was able to make it up the tunnel between the spikes without losing my life at all. Then the part to get to the springs is a piece of cake. I had already figured out how to get across them, so that part was easy, too.

I finally figured out NOT to go up and get the health & magic before the lake with the spikes in it, because I kept LOSING so much of the same, that it wasn't worth it. Once I was across there, I found the zeridium.

Then I figured out JUST how many tree trunk pieces to fling before changing to he ice wall and getting up to those LOVELY horizontally-shooting cannons.

THAT'S what took me two nights to get through. I finally figured out that pattern just a while ago, and made it to he last red button, then I dropped the stupid red mace on my head before I got the res necklaces, and ended up not watching my health level and USED one of them before I could get out, and that frustrated me, so I went back and did the whole thing again...IN ABOUT FIVE MINUTES!!! Sheesh! I think I could do it my my SLEEP, now! 🙂

I tried out Xichra and decided real quick that I need to go back and get a couple of res necklaces I left behind in other levels (like the fire ones--sigh), plus I think I know where a few more smite rings are (I have 10 now, but need more!). Anyway, I'm enjoying the game again, but figure by the time I get through, I'll be hating Xichra!

Thanks to everyone for all the help you've been throughout this game!


I discovered one thing about those wraiths or evil spirits or whatever: they are vulnerable to their own fireballs. You can reflect the fireballs back to them with your magic shield, whereupon they glow and disappear, at least for a short time. At least they are fended off while you ponder Ferazel's options! 🙂

