Parched Earth saved game?????

Ok......i'm reduced to solicting bribes, crawling on all fours, babbling like an idiot. A saved game.....does one exist???? I need to renew my faith in myself...i promise to go back when i finish....

please send it to: or let me know where i can drop my bag of gold off for it. Yes, i am weak...but i don't want the game doctor...just a relief from frustration.


(QUOTE)cjazz wrote:
(B)Ok......i'm reduced to solicting bribes, crawling on all fours, babbling like an idiot. A saved game.....does one exist???? I need to renew my faith in myself...i promise to go back when i finish....

It would be difficult for someone to send you a saved game as we all do the levels in varying order. However, why don't you just back out the entrance and do some other levels, then come back to PE?



Or, if you wish, you can send your saved game to me and I'll go through Parched Earth for you. That way it'll be your own game, but you'll be past Parched Earth. 🙂


As for myself, it's been a month of sand-treading. I've finished the level... in about ten or so minutes, only to be greeted by a very closed door. Game over. Even with the help of FerazEdit, there's nothing I can do to get to the end. Forgive me if I sound like a whiner, but, hey... I AM.

I THOUGHT I had an idea: used the Tree Trunk before the Habnabit at the beginning to climb up and over the transporter/brine cavern and made my merry way from there without the timer appearing onscreen. "AHA HA!" I thought...

But I got to the end... same brick wall. There has GOT to be a better way!!! (Anyone want to sell me their flying carpet?)



(This message has been edited by Jodeo (edited 04-13-2000).)

If anyone wants, they can send me their game at the beginning of Parched Earth and I will go through the level for them. I still have that patched copy of Ferazel's Wand hanging around so I can go through the level without:

a) decreasing the amount of health you had
🆒 decreasing the amount of magic you had
c) losing any items you had (i.e. multi-crystals)

and, I can go through and get all the secrets, enemies, and xichrons.

Just send a long the file and I'll go through the level for you.

-- Jeff

just did, jeff - cant thank you enough



Jodeo wrote:
**I THOUGHT I had an idea: used the Tree Trunk before the Habnabit at the beginning to climb up and over the transporter/brine cavern and made my merry way from there without the timer appearing onscreen. "AHA HA!" I thought...

But I got to the end... same brick wall. There has GOT to be a better way!!! (Anyone want to sell me their flying carpet?)

Hmmm...Maybe seeing the guy opens the door for 5 minutes. Maybe if you use the tree trunk, go as far as you can so you can still get back, kill everything and do everything to make it easier, and then go back and start the timer, you can run through much more easily. Or will this not work for some reason?


qazII wrote:
Hmmm...Maybe seeing the guy opens the door for 5 minutes. Maybe if you use the tree trunk, go as far as you can so you can still get back, kill everything and do everything to make it easier, and then go back and start the timer, you can run through much more easily. Or will this not work for some reason?

Walking overtop of the sign after 'the guy' is what starts the timer. You can go through the level first then take a transporter back to the beginning and run through from there (that's what I did the first time) Tree trunk? You can jump over both the guy and the sign (seperately of course)

-- Jeff

I just wanted to publicaly thank Jeff for letting me out of Parched Earth. The cannons sucking me in and spitting me out always took me way to long. I am now free to get hung up some place else.

Thank you again


(This message has been edited by Maggie (edited 04-17-2000).)

Hey Jeff!! Are you willing to do that with any OTHER levels? Hmm? Particularly those blasted fire ones. Coooome on...pretty please? 😄

Ohh..I'm kidding you know. But only sort of.


Zelda wrote:
**Hey Jeff!! Are you willing to do that with any OTHER levels? Hmm? Particularly those blasted fire ones. Coooome on...pretty please?:D

Ohh..I'm kidding you know. But only sort of.**

Yes, actually I would be willing to do so with other levels...whether it be The Dig, Ends of the Earth, and yes.....even those fire levels (although it will take me a little longer to get the game back to you on those ones :)...well, for Out of the Frying Pan that shouldn't take longer than any other level, but for Can't Stand the Heat, even the patches don't help with the last button 😛 luckily I found an easy way to get that button down on the first try) If you're having problems with a level, stuff it and send it over to me:



Originally posted by Merciless:
**Yes, actually I would be willing to do so with other levels...whether it be The Dig, Ends of the Earth, and yes.....even those fire levels (although it will take me a little longer to get the game back to you on those ones:)...well, for Out of the Frying Pan that shouldn't take longer than any other level, but for Can't Stand the Heat, even the patches don't help with the last button 😛 luckily I found an easy way to get that button down on the first try) If you're having problems with a level, stuff it and send it over to me:**