more Ends of the Earth

Yeesh, Ben!

Ambrosia should start putting labels on Ferazel: "Warning, contents may cause extreme frustration and high blood pressure." 😉

It's cuel, just downright cruel, to put such a nasty level after the two "firewall" levels. Ugh. Not to mention those fire levels, especially that button/boulder puzzle at the end!


I have a couple of questions for the Ends of the Earth for you veteran players out there...

  1. How do I open up the Ziridium pool after the second save point (I think it's after the second save point)? I tried fireseeds and V-blade, but couldn't seem to find a way to open it.

  2. Is there a save point between the "three buttons/three doors" and the next area with cannons? After working my way to that area through the springs, the cannons, the LONG climb to get the blue key, etc, etc... I invariably die or run out of magic before I can get through the next door, making we want to microwave my CD. :frown:

A special pet peeve of mine is that long and tricky climb to get the blue key. So far, I've only tried it with the tree trunks all the way, but even hitting the jump key like crazy doesn't always make Ferazel climb fast enough - sometimes he just likes to jump in place.

  1. I have 2 res. necklaces going into Ends, should I go back and get more now because I'm going to need them for Xircha?

Thanks in advance!


gundlach wrote:

  1. How do I open up the Ziridium pool after the second save point (I think it's after the second save point)? I tried fireseeds and V-blade, but couldn't seem to find a way to open it.**

You hit it with fireseeds or ziridium seeds a couple times, then get the last bit with your ice pick.


2) Is there a save point between the "three buttons/three doors" and the next area with cannons? After working my way to that area through the springs, the cannons, the LONG climb to get the blue key, etc, etc... I invariably die or run out of magic before I can get through the next door, making we want to microwave my CD.:frown:

Nope . . . you just have to use the ziridium pool. Sorry . . .

Good luck! 🙂




gundlach wrote:
**3) I have 2 res. necklaces going into Ends, should I go back and get more now because I'm going to need them for Xircha?

I'd say get as many as you can. I have 11 res necklaces going into Xichra and I still haven't beaten her (without "cheating"). There are at least 12 total, including 3 in Ends of the Earth, so there're at least 7 you missed.

(QUOTE)gundlach wrote:
(B)Yeesh, Ben!

  1. How do I open up the Ziridium pool after the second save point (I think it's after the second save point)? I tried fireseeds and V-blade, but couldn't seem to find a way to open it.


Further info on what MissNif told you - you have to jump and throw the fireseeds at the right wall of the pool - not from above. 🙂


Thanks for the advice!

I finally got into the Ziridium pool, and that makes that portion a bit easier.

I actually found an easier way to get up to the blue key while monkeying around. On the right side of that screen, there's a ledge with blue flames on it. If Ferazel goes all the way to the left edge and you press "up" while shooting an ice wall, the ice wall will hit on the lowest portion of the spike wall. Ferazel can jump over and use ice wall to climb the rest of the way. Much easier for me than climbing all the way using the tree trunk!

Looks like I need to go get some more res. necklaces!

Although, I did get Xircha to the "third" stage with three. Tossing Ziridium seeds into the cannons works wonders! 😉

Thanks for the advice!

I finally got into the Ziridium pool, and that makes that portion a bit easier.

I actually found an easier way to get up to the blue key while monkeying around. On the right side of that screen, there's a ledge with blue flames on it. If Ferazel goes all the way to the left edge and you press "up" while shooting an ice wall, the ice wall will hit on the lowest portion of the spike wall. Ferazel can jump over and use ice wall to climb the rest of the way. Much easier for me than climbing all the way using the tree trunk!

Looks like I need to go get some more res. necklaces!

Although, I did get Xircha to the "third" stage with three. Tossing Ziridium seeds into the cannons works wonders! 😉