I love you all!

Hello. I'm new here. I love everyone. I love playing Ferazen's Wand.



MotherLove wrote:
**Hello. I'm new here. I love everyone. I love playing Ferazen's Wand.

:::sigh::: OctoberFost....I know you have a varied IP address because you're on AOL, but you posted over on another board with this same IP about ten minutes after this post. So..it's obviously you. The question is why? You've spent tons of time bashing Ferazel's Wand...is this supposed to be your idea of a joke?

This is not one of the EV/EVO boards. We treat each other decently here. There is intelligent discussion and respectful exhange of viewpoints. I know that's different than what you're used to. I haven't a clue as to where you thought you were going with this...but please leave this board alone.


(This message has been edited by Zelda (edited 04-16-2000).)