Mental Health Break..

Well, it happened! Can"t seem to get passed cannons again..and exhausted trying. I applaud those who have made it passed. My keyboard sent me a 'cease and desist' email due to punitive pounding of keys(lol).

Never thought that i would miss those old days of pesky spiders...and pendulum jumps.

Be back when i can act in a mature manner...hell....i'll be back tomorrow...Ferazel needs me!



cjazz wrote:
**Well, it happened! Can"t seem to get passed cannons again..and exhausted trying. I applaud those who have made it passed. My keyboard sent me a 'cease and desist' email due to punitive pounding of keys(lol).

Never thought that i would miss those old days of pesky spiders...and pendulum jumps.

Be back when i can act in a mature manner...hell....i'll be back tomorrow...Ferazel needs me!


Oh, and I hate to tell you this - you ain't seen nothin' yet!!! 😄


Which cannons? In Ends of the Earth by any chance? ^%$#$%*



lindawing wrote:
*Which cannons? In Ends of the Earth by any chance? ^%$#$%

Are you still having difficulties with the cannons at the end of Ends of the Earth?



I hate the cannons on Ends of the Earth. They might not be so bad if there was a cannon sometime after the first key door thing. is there? I have to keep playing from right after the crabs(that jump with all the springs) I am gonna die.


If the man with the knife is after his wife, someones probably making...

Hi.....well i'm at it again. Made it passed cannons like before....lived through the spiked cannons...right up to that orange blob again....and i'm glad to say....i'm consistent. Yup....back to the beginning. The first one that says..."Practice makes perfect"....will incur the wrath of the Goblin Chief!!!



cjazz wrote:
**Hi.....well i'm at it again. Made it passed cannons like before....lived through the spiked cannons...right up to that orange blob again....and i'm glad to say....i'm consistent. Yup....back to the beginning. The first one that says..."Practice makes perfect"....will incur the wrath of the Goblin Chief!!!

You're talking about in Parched Earth right? Here's a hint: it is possible to skip the entire section where the orange blobs are, and save yourself some time in the process. Look around before you go left towards the orange blobs.

Good luck!

Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)