Fire Guardians

I do not know how to defeat them OR how to open the door. there seems to be no possible way. please respond here or email me at 😕 !!!!!


At some times, their eyes glow brighter than normal. That's when you can hit them with basically any spell except for seeds. I didn't have any luck using the vertical-firing thingy either (I forget what it's called at the moment). I've found that having as many multi-crystals as you can also helps a lot! You just have to be persistent and try to avoid their fire balls as much as you can!

Happy Ferazel-ing!

Nif 😄


Thanx alot, i think I'll try just that. but does killing both of them open the door?


I posted a strategy for defeating the Fire Guardians, ie. avoiding getting hit by their fireballs, here:


I swear by it. With a little practice you can kill them without taking more than 2 or 3 hits.

Use one of the arcing spells, not V-blade or the boomerang one. The more powerful the better -- seven hits with the ice wall spell, if you have it, will take out each of the Guardians.

Oddly, I find the two earlier boss levels -- Mandritaki Warrior & Goblin Chief -- harder than the two later ones -- Mandritaki Wizard & Fire Guardians. Anybody else?

Nice suggestions for beating the fire guardians, LT. As for the earlier two bosses being harder than the others, well, it wasn't intended to be that way. But then, boss levels are usually all about patterns, and different people find different patterns easier/harder to figure out and defend against. So your mileage may vary. Also, the Goblin Chief and Manditraki Wizard are the same level of boss -- it is possible to meet the Wizard before the Goblin Chief if you start off going east from Unemployed in Greenland (although it takes more levels to get there.)


Ben Spees / Coding Boffin / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


LT wrote:
Oddly, I find the two earlier boss levels -- Mandritaki Warrior & Goblin Chief -- harder than the two later ones -- Mandritaki Wizard & Fire Guardians. Anybody else?

I found the Manditraki Warrior to be quite easy once I got the knack of pushing those boulders and getting out of the way before the next came down. I found Manditraki Wizard and Goblin Chief equally difficult, but not as difficult as the Fire Guardians. I still haven't managed to get Xichra though! :mad:



I want to thank LT for the info about defeating the Fire Guardians. I had defeated them already, when I read that, but I GLADLY sacrificed my further progress and went back to defeat them with the ice wall spell!

Wow! What a wonderful difference!!! That gave me at least a fighting chance in Ends of the Earth.

Thank you.
