
well, I'm weak, so I did it. I used Game Doctor. You know what? It killed the fun for me.

Anyhow, without it, I made it as far as Frying Pan and Ends of the Earth. Both levels were frustrating enough even with endless health. But when I get the update, I'll probably play from scratch someday-- with no cheats.

The good part is, I can let my 5-year-old play again. (But let's hope it doesn't give him bad dreams or anything to play a game like this) ::babbles::

So what did you need Game Doctor to get through, just killing Xichra? (That's the only level I haven't seen yet, I can't wait to get a glimpse of her.)

How does Game Doctor work, both in terms of how you use it and how it affects your game, ie. does it make Ferazel invincable?

I'm through the Fire levels, into Iceconoclasm (waiting for my saved game to be fixed), and I think I can make it through Labyrinth if the update (hello?) allows me to buy more health potions from Rojinko -- all without having used any Rez Necklaces or Escape Rings. So I'm still hopeful I'm going to be able to beat this game on my own. But I wouldn't hesitate to use cheats if I really thought I was at an impasse.

Just thought some of you might like to know that I managed to kill Xichra and save Teraknorn without the ice wall spell (I didn't get thru iceoconoclasm tho), without V-Blade, and without cheats. To paraphrase Hamlet, "there is nothing impossible, but thinking makes it so." And when the update comes out, I'm gonna do it all over again. (maniacal laughter) 😄 😄 😄


Time ain't money when all you got is time


LT wrote:
**How does Game Doctor work, both in terms of how you use it and how it affects your game, ie. does it make Ferazel invincable?

Game Doctor has a series of patches with the February 'prescriptions'. They change the code of the game itself (not the saved games) to allow for unlimited health, magic, time (in Parched Earth) and item usage. It doesn't make you invincible though. I've found that the spiked platforms still take off health points, and as it says in the program, you still die if you fall into a void or get a death powerup. The interesting thing I found with the death powerups though, is that they don't really kill you. They just take off 8 'blocks' of health. So, when you get one of the powerups, if you have more than 8 blocks of health, you won't die. Was this done on purpose Ben? (I know that people probably wouldn't have more than 8 blocks of health at that point in the game though)

Hope this helps!

-- Jeff


Amorisse wrote:
**well, I'm weak, so I did it. I used Game Doctor. You know what? It killed the fun for me.

Anyhow, without it, I made it as far as Frying Pan and Ends of the Earth. Both levels were frustrating enough even with endless health. But when I get the update, I'll probably play from scratch someday-- with no cheats.

The good part is, I can let my 5-year-old play again. (But let's hope it doesn't give him bad dreams or anything to play a game like this) :babbles:

OK, I got exactly that far and I am very qunfused!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know what to do! what is Game Doctor? how can i get it? how can i use it? email me at please 😕



Amorisse wrote:
**well, I'm weak, so I did it. I used Game Doctor. You know what? It killed the fun for me.

Anyhow, without it, I made it as far as Frying Pan and Ends of the Earth. Both levels were frustrating enough even with endless health. But when I get the update, I'll probably play from scratch someday-- with no cheats.

The good part is, I can let my 5-year-old play again. (But let's hope it doesn't give him bad dreams or anything to play a game like this) :babbles:

OK, I got exactly that far and I am very qunfused!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know what to do! what is Game Doctor? how can i get it? how can i use it? email me at please 😕


Anyone know why people revive long 'dead' threads? This one hasn't been written to in almost a month! It just baffles me...anyone else?

-- Jeff


Merciless wrote:
**Anyone know why people revive long 'dead' threads? This one hasn't been written to in almost a month! It just baffles me...anyone else?

Well, when I'm playing a game and I get stuck, I go find whatever information I can about it. A web board would be a great place. I would go back and read EVERYTHING that people wrote about it. I think it's easy not to pay a great deal of attention to dates. And if I had a question regarding one of the threads, I'd probably post on it. What I DON'T understand is when people answer questions that were asked several months ago. Geesh. Oh yeah, we were just all at a huge impasse, unable to move forward at all until you came along to answer that four month old question. Thank you!!! Finally we can move on!!! What's really annoying is that this question they answered has almost always been answered further on the thread. They don't even bother reading to the end. Oh Oh!! I know the answer!! I want everyone to know that I know the answer!!!

Gee, I sound sort of snippy today, huh? I've had a bad day. I needed to let off steam. 🙂



Zelda wrote:
What I DON'T understand is when people answer questions that were asked several months ago. Geesh.

Yeah, I think that's what I meant originally....well, that and the fact that people posted to old threads in the first place regardless if they wanted some info. When I first came to the board I went to the very beginning and read through all the posts (boy, that took a long time 🙂 ) and there were some questions I wanted to ask related to what was in some of those threads. But they were a few weeks old so I figured I'd just make a new thread and start from there (I think it had something to do with the fact that back then, I didn't know what when someone added a reply to a thread it would be moved to the top of the list...I thought they were just stuck in and left in the order the first post of each thread was made...perhaps that explains my view on's based on dated info!) 🙂

-- Jeff


Zelda wrote:

Gee, I sound sort of snippy today, huh? I've had a bad day. I needed to let off steam. 🙂



Hope you have a better day tomorrow, Zelda!! 🙂



Dian wrote:
**Hope you have a better day tomorrow, Zelda!!:)


Thanks, Dian. 🙂 I plan to! I hope.
