Ends of the Earth question

At Ends of the Earth's second save point - right before all the springs you have to time right to get through the doorway - there are gold xichrons right above you as you stand on the save box. You can only jump and reach one of the xichrons. How do you get the rest of them?


Tree trunk spell.


LT wrote:
Tree trunk spell.

Okay - that was tooooooo easy!! :redface:

I try to use the tree trunk spell as little as possible because of the Sprite problem I'm still having, so I never even thought of using it here. Unfortunately, it seems you need to use it EVERYWHERE in Ends of the Earth, and I can't get to the next Save point because by the time I've opened up the three pillars, my Sprite memory is gone and I crash.

Thanks, LT! I guess for now I'll have to leave those xichrons behind.


How do you get through the damn springs right after the save point? I have died there 2 dozen times. What is the trick?


I have another question: What save point??? Are you talking about that place with the gold spring pointing in all different directions across a pit right before a door?


Argh! I just went back and looked for it, and sure enough there's a hidden save point before those springs. That's so mean! Do you know how many times I went from the last save point back alllllll the way over there, just to fall and die??? oh well... next time I'll remember that. Thanks guys. 😛



Arkham wrote:
**How do you get through the damn springs right after the save point? I have died there 2 dozen times. What is the trick?

Jump on the first spring, the one that's really low, and start bouncing up and down. Press the right key just as you're hitting the spring and hold it til you're over the next spring. Press the right key as you're bouncing off of that one and you'll start bouncing horizontally between the last two set of springs. After a couple back-and-forths, you'll bounce rightward off a low spring towards the lower part of the eastern wall. You need to hold the right key down so you grab on to the wall -- this happens at a point below your field of vision. Then press the up key so Ferazel climbs the wall up to the ledge.

When I was going through the part with the springs, I just jumped on the first up-pointing spring, over the clump in the middle, and onto the second up-facing spring and then landed on the other side. (I haven't been to that part of the game in a long time so I don't know if I'm describing it exactly)

-- Jeff