Missing Labyrinth in 1.0.3

I downloaded the update and have started completely from scratch. I finished Obfuscation & Edification, leaving thru the Eastern exit, and when I got back to the map, the Labyrinth wasn't there. I know it was there before...has anyone else run into this problem? Thanks


Let my inspiration flow, in token rhyme, suggesting rhythm... -Hunter/Garcia


Whitedog wrote:
**I downloaded the update and have started completely from scratch. I finished Obfuscation & Edification, leaving thru the Eastern exit, and when I got back to the map, the Labyrinth wasn't there. I know it was there before...has anyone else run into this problem?

Yep! But I could never ever repeat the problem so I didn't report it. I went back to a previous save and played through to the end again and Labyrinth appeared on the map. Then I repeatedly went back to the previous save to see if I could get the problem to happen again. I couldn't. It was rather strange.



Whitedog wrote:
**I downloaded the update and have started completely from scratch. I finished Obfuscation & Edification, leaving thru the Eastern exit, and when I got back to the map, the Labyrinth wasn't there. I know it was there before...has anyone else run into this problem? Thanks


Same thing here. But the Lanyrinth appeared after I flew through Hangnabit - was thaty how it worked in the earlier version?



ok, so I went back and started again from my last saved game (at the very end of O&E;), which is where I left it yesterday...and the Labyrinth is there! 🆒 go figure. This might be one of those bugs that disappear when you turn on the light (like a cave dwelling cockroach, maybe). Ah well...into the maze I go.


Let my inspiration flow, in token rhyme, suggesting rhythm... -Hunter/Garcia

(This message has been edited by Whitedog (edited 04-02-2000).)


Zelda wrote:
**Yep! But I could never ever repeat the problem so I didn't report it. I went back to a previous save and played through to the end again and Labyrinth appeared on the map. Then I repeatedly went back to the previous save to see if I could get the problem to happen again. I couldn't. It was rather strange.


I had the exact same thing happen to me! 😛



I just stopped playing Ferazel for the evening because I finished O&E; and got no Labyrinth, so I thought I'd see if there was anything new on the board, and voila! there was this topic. So Ben, if you're reading these, I'm another person who had Labyrinth disappear temporarily. Haven't tried going in from my last saved game yet, but here's something that might help you troubleshoot this: when I exited O&E;, instead of getting the new path on the map and the little Ferazel head taking that path, the little Ferazel head took the path back to Hangnabit. As if the game somehow thought that exiting O&E; should take you to Hangnabit instead of to Labyrinth or something.


Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

I'd like to add my agreement... this happened to me just yesterday!


Ish. I feel really bad now about not reporting it as a bug. But I couldn't repeat it!!! There must be something that triggers it.
