Warning the guards

What triggers the completion of this quest? Septembris keeps telling me to help with the barricade and to warn the Berglum and Dernath garrisons. The barricade looks finished to me (and the lumberjacks seem to agree), and both garrisons brush me off when I tell them of the invasion. Do I have to persuade them to help somehow?

This is frustrating; I have the HG Standard all ready to go; I want my title! 😛

(This message has been edited by JonBob (edited 09-04-2001).)

Near Septemris is Decimus' tent. Talk to him first.

Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com")Consider(/url) Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

Ahh. I completely missed him, since I don't tend to re-explore places on the automap. Silly me.

(This message has been edited by JonBob (edited 09-04-2001).)

i am in the same bind. im level 20 and i still havent completed that stupid quest!
where do i find that septembris and tent hippie? which town? i remember the first name from way back, but i have forgotten, and i have searched the camp and berglum for all characters.... :frown:



Originally posted by yoplait1973: **
i am in the same bind. im level 20 and i still havent completed that stupid quest!
where do i find that septembris and tent hippie? which town? i remember the first name from way back, but i have forgotten, and i have searched the camp and berglum for all characters.... **

Septembris and Decimus are 1 screen south of Fantrima. Septembris's house is through
the forest path in the center portion of the forest. Decimus's tent is located north
of the barricade. Look on the map for the brownish patches, contrasted by the green
grass. That is where the tents are set up. A lot of soldiers are hanging around, and
one of them is Decimus. You need to talk to Decimus, which allows the Berglum guards
to respond. Once they have responded to the crisis, as has the Dernath garrison, then
you will be granted the title of Squire.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.