Screaming in Storm Valley

Can anyone PLEASE tell me how I'm supposed to get past the yellow bouncy things in Storm Valley?? I'm so frustrated I could cry.
Also, is there any way to break ppen the boxes in the lower level of Obfusciation, I can't seem to get them open, what do I need if Fire Seeds aren't it?



Calvin wrote:
**Can anyone PLEASE tell me how I'm supposed to get past the yellow bouncy things in Storm Valley?? I'm so frustrated I could cry.
Also, is there any way to break ppen the boxes in the lower level of Obfusciation, I can't seem to get them open, what do I need if Fire Seeds aren't it?


The larger boxes are just for scenery. As for the yellow springs you must run and jump.


Yeah, for the springs, run into them and as you hit them, hit the jump button. It will make you jump lower and give you more control over where you land. The later you hit the jump button, the higher you will go (you can use this strategy in other levels where there are some spikes above a spring to get past them without being shot into the spikes)

-- Jeff