
First spiky wall after water with clouds above (far up is a purple pool) .
I'm killed and felt in water in the east corner (a frog is jumping in a room in the other side of the ice).
A necklace revival me and I "Alt 8" to jump on a rocky plateform to climb again this bloody spiky wall.
Ferazel didn't jump but fallen down in the freezy ice's bowels.
Health is out..

What happened !!! There is no way out in this place.
"bug"... suicid ? (Ferazel isn't very skilful in my hands) ?
Did anybody lived a so incredible drama ? 🙂


Alt 8?? What kind of computer are you playing this on?? 🙂

If I were you I'd head back west and search for something that might help you get up those spiky walls.


LT wrote:
**Alt 8?? What kind of computer are you playing this on??:)

If I were you I'd head back west and search for something that might help you get up those spiky walls.**

If you are speaking about ice spell. I've this stuff. And I played with. And my problem was after many saved games on the same level.
My problem is only this fall out (and below) the icy ground.


(This message has been edited by horses's friend (edited 03-30-2000).)


horses's friend wrote:
If you are speaking about ice spell. I've this stuff. And I played with. And my problem was after many saved games on the same level.
My problem is only this fall out (and below) the icy ground.

You have the ice wall spell and not the ice crystal spell? Are you able to make it all the way up to the top of the spikey wall or are you dying before you make it up? Where exactly is the water that you keep dying in?



Zelda wrote:
**You have the ice wall spell and not the ice crystal spell? Are you able to make it all the way up to the top of the spikey wall or are you dying before you make it up? Where exactly is the water that you keep dying in?


Ice wall spell , which allows to create ice platforms on the icy and spiky walls and floating ice on water (I don't know something about Ice crystal spell which isn't referenced in the notice).
I ended the level many times. What I told about falling down (Ithink is a bug) happened during one of my multiples come back on this level. (not very clear, but my english is a bit limited).
The water where I dying in is in the first room after the the large pool with maces ball spinning above (and a platform with pentashield and crystals). In this room You've a mace ball 3
ledges and a spiky wall (if you climb it, you reach a purple pool).
In the low right corner (in the water at front of the basement of spiky wall) is exactly the place where Ferazel was standing when he fells down.
