Little bugs ? and bravissimi

At the end of iceconoclasm (a resume game)
The menu bar which is always hidden appears in orange at the top of the screen and become full of coloured pixels.

When I jump on the flying carpet, the pentashield is destroyed.

I hope you've seen how a pentashiels is altered when Ferazel is thrown out by a gun. In french we call that "pentashield est de guingois"

I can't resist to congratulate the man (Ben ?) who thought to the snow balls in Iceconoclasm... same humour than in purple haze.... Bravo !!! it's a pleasure to play with yu (more then being killed by a goblin or a slime amoeba)...




horses's friend wrote:
**I can't resist to congratulate the man (Ben ?) who thought to the snow balls in Iceconoclasm... same humour than in purple haze.... Bravo !!!

I have to admit to some blatant stupidity here . . . I didn't get the snowballs! 😛 My first two times around I just pushed them out of the way and used the tree trunk spell! It was completely by accident that I didn't push one high enough to stick on my third time through the level and I noticed that it was bigger. :rolleyes:



Philippe!! Are you the same Philippe who is of the Labyrinth fame? Hmm?


I didn't get the snowballs the first time either -- I pushed them away and used the tree truck spell too! But the second time I ended up going through, I finally noticed that the snowballs were getting larger...



Zelda wrote:
**Philippe!! Are you the same Philippe who is of the Labyrinth fame? Hmm?


Yes I'm...
A bit tired with the labyrinth map... and no magic potion.



horses's friend wrote:
**Yes I'm...
A bit tired with the labyrinth map... and no magic potion.


Well, thanks for making it. It helped me a lot! 🙂

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis