Too Much Ferazel?

A few indications that you are playing too much Ferazel:

  1. At the end of the day, you’d like nothing better than to relax in a big tub of purple brine.
  2. You ask to receive your paycheck in red xichrons.
  3. In a long checkout line at the grocery you search your pockets for a smite ring.
  4. Your neigbor asks to borrow your shovel. You ask him why he doesn’t just use the spin-jump move.
  5. You look for a health power-up before going to work.

hehehe! That's good.

  1. You suspect that your professors are Mandraki in disguise.
  2. You try to climb sheer, perpendicular walls and wonder why you keep falling.
  3. You have the urge to watch The Princess Bride again just to catch the line "Unemployed in Greenland."


Ooohh . . . an add-on type of list . . . 🙂

  1. You mistake crushed red peppers on your pizza for fire seeds.
  2. You dream about being shot out of cannons and walking on lava pools.
  3. You look for an escape ring in your glove compartment while stuck in rush hour traffic.
  4. You wish you had a check/save point at the end of the day when the kids are asleep and you can relax with a cup of General Foods International Coffee.


(This message has been edited by MissNif (edited 03-30-2000).)


"12) You wish you had a check/save point at the end of the day when the kids are asleep and you can relax with a cup of General Foods International Coffee."

  1. AND a poppy seed muffin. 🙂

- Neil


Although I would use the escape ring whilst trapped at school. Heh.

- Neil


  1. When signing up for fire-walking courses, you ask if you can bring your Fire Charm.
  2. You throw Oversized Homemade Ice Cubes at a large cliff face in hopes of creating tiny ledges.
  3. You feel an insatiable need to point out to everyone around you which beetles & wasps look like the boss you just beat in the game. (With the exception of Fire Guardians & Goblin Chief)
  4. You fill a bottle with steam, call it a mist potion, and then wonder why it doesn't work.
  5. On Halloween, you wear a cloak & put on a sock with the bottom cut off on your nose, in addition to a stick capped with some of that green beer bottle glass you always find on the beach.
  6. When people laugh at aforementioned costume, you try to hurl a fireball at them.



  1. When you are so hungry because you've been playing Ferazel and not eating, and you mistake your tummy growling for Xichra's screeching!


  1. You've never looked at a poppyseed muffin quite the same way again.
  2. Whenever you do someone a favor, and they thank you, you say, "It's the least I could do for one of my Habnibat breathern."
  3. You lay awake at night trying to think of new, amusing signs that you've had too much Ferazel.


(This message has been edited by Rilla (edited 03-30-2000).)

23 sounded like a great way to end the list...but I haven't had a chance to play yet!!

24. You blow up your backyard looking for a buried money.
25. You see a big creepy bug in the bathroom and try to kill it with a boulder.
26. You make numnumnum sounds when you eat.
27. You shoot out the lights in your house.
28. You see someone swinging a hammer and have a terrifying mace ball flashback.
