Color of the BB

So far, everything I've read about this new look for the bulletin board, says that while it LOOKS nice, it's awfully hard to read. Is everyone in agreement?



lindawing wrote:
**So far, everything I've read about this new look for the bulletin board, says that while it LOOKS nice, it's awfully hard to read. Is everyone in agreement?

::nods:: I don't want to sound complaining, but yes, I have been using my own browser colors to override this page...and for the very reason you mention.


I have to agree that as much as I like the look , I have a problem with such a dark background.



Then we're in agreement. We HATE it!!! Give us back the plain old white background!! Leave the black for those EV and EVO boards. On those boards the black is reminiscent of space and therefore even fits.

Honestly, I think the Ambrosia board is about perfect now. Every week a bunch of new things are added...when will this insanity end?? 😉

I gotta stop drinking so much Diet Mountain Dew. The caffeine is getting to me.


Yes, please make some change to make this board more readable. If you don't want to get rid of the black background completely, could you at least get rid of it in the table where the replies appear? The grey on black really isn't enough of a contrast to be readable. Also, if you're going to keep the black background, you ought to fix the images of the Ambrosia logo, Ferazel, and the Ferazel logo so that they don't have that funny white outline.


Find Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Helpers of Habnabits in the (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url) (http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel)

I'm with the others in this thread. The design looks beautiful, but it is very hard to read.



I'll throw in my 2 cents as well...

PLEASE change it back!



Let my inspiration flow, in token rhyme, suggesting rhythm... -Hunter/Garcia

Yeah! change it back!!!!


I was just starting to get used to this new color scheme that is going on here until I posted tonight. I used the "confused" smilie, and the question marks don't show up on this background! Has anybody else noticed this? :eek:



(This message has been edited by MissNif (edited 03-26-2000).)


MissNif wrote:
**I was just starting to get used to this new color scheme that is going on here until I posted tonight. I used the "confused" smilie, and the question marks don't show up on this background! Has anybody else noticed this?:eek:



I've noticed that because thats the way the Ares bard used to be. And about the color of the board: It look wonderful, but is hard to read.

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis

Looks wonderful? No, it looks terrible. Brown letters on a brown background on a black screen. Whose idea was that?

The old way was better. If ain't broke...

Hey, don't kill me for disagreeing with all of you, but I love the look, and its easy as hell to read. I'm not using custom colors either. Besides, I'm not sure if I could stand reverting all the way back to boring 'ol white. 🙂

- Neil



Neil wrote:
**Hey, don't kill me for disagreeing with all of you, but I love the look, and its easy as hell to read. I'm not using custom colors either. Besides, I'm not sure if I could stand reverting all the way back to boring 'ol white.:)

- Neil


I didn't think the white was boring at all! By the way, others have mentioned that it was just white . . . am I the only one who saw that it was white & pale gray stripes? Also, all the copyright info and stuff at the bottom of the pages were written in the pale gray, so they practically blended right in! Talk about hard to read! 😉

Nif 😄



MissNif wrote:
**I didn't think the white was boring at all! By the way, others have mentioned that it was just white . . . am I the only one who saw that it was white & pale gray stripes? Also, all the copyright info and stuff at the bottom of the pages were written in the pale gray, so they practically blended right in! Talk about hard to read! 😉

Ehh..we've complained about it..but whoever is madly running around designing this site has decided it's just darn cool. So apparently it's staying. We just don't know cool! 😉
