Iceconoclasm and Bag of Gold

Right near the beginning where you reach the part where you have to duck under the series of spike walls - to the right of these walls you can see a bag of gold (above it is a powerup). How do I get to this? I can see that I need to get there somehow so I can cross the water at the next part. Searched and searched, but I am obviously overlooking something. Help!


Well, first off, you need an ice pick & the ice wall spell. You can't get it from where you first saw it, I'll tell you how. At the beginning of the level, instead of going up on all those big ice ledges, go forward and make it across that small pool of ice water with a pirhana in it (don't go in the water, it hurts you; just jump on those small ice ledges). Continue on up the slope which follows until you get to two ice barriers. Use the ice pick to break through the barriers and proceed until what you're walking on drops off onto a lower piece of ground. To your right you should see a maceball going up and down, and a large pool with a kind of strong current. To your left is a secret. Just break through the walls and grab the health (I think its health). Now, use the ice wall spell to create tiny ice floes on the large pool with a strong current. You will need to do this a couple times, because each floe you create only lasts about 10 seconds, or maybe a little longer. When it's about to disappear, it starts blinking. Anyway, when you get to the other side, make your way right to the huge wall with spikes. Using your ice wall spell, make tiny ledges all the way up the walls, but be careful not to jump too close to the spiked wall; it hurts. 🙂 Eventually, you will come to a sort of intersection. To your right is an ice barrier. If you want health & magic, break through the ice barrier on the right, and you'll come a room with a dagger throwing goblin plus a purple pool. I always go right first, because my health sucks by the time I get there. 🙂 When you're finished with the pool, go down the passageway to the left. There should be spikes on the floor and ceiling with springs ready to launch you into them, reaaaaaal annoying. :frown: Anyway, when you reach the end of that passageway you'll see a blue slime trapped on all sides by an ice wall. Free & kill it, and continue breaking through the wall. Soon enough you'll come to that bag you were talking about. If you go down the shaft that you have to cross in between the blue slime and the spikey passageway with a bunch of springs I told you about, then go to the left, there is a create that contains the silver key for the level. All other crates contain Blue Slimes.
Sorry about the long instructions, but I got carried away 🙂

- Neil


(This message has been edited by Neil (edited 03-28-2000).)


Neil wrote:

Sorry about the long instructions, but I got carried away 🙂


Neil - thank you soooo much! I was getting exhausted from sliding around and banging into spikes. Now I see a new frustration with climbing the walls! Oh, well, that's the fun of it - right? Your instructions were great...

Dian 🙂


Anytime. 🙂
