Is this a bug?

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but it sure seems like one! :frown:

I'm in Xichra's Lair and when I switch from ziridium seeds to fire seeds, my tosses get all screwy. For example, I will be standing on the ledge on the floor right next to the cannon on the left side of the screen. I toss in a seed and nothing comes out of my hand. However, a seed does come from somewhere above me and lands on me! At first I though it was Xichra doing something because I was getting hurt by my own fire seeds! :mad: But then when I threw some seeds from the high ledge on the left, nothing would come out of my hand but a seed would materialize right in the center (vertically and horizontally) of the screen and fall from there. I was starting to think that this might be alright, because I hit Xichra once or twice in my confusion, but as soon as I hit her, my seed-tossing goes back to normal.

I'm sorry if this seems difficult to understand, but I don't know a better way to explain it. If anyone else has noticed this, please let me know! :eek:



Nif, did you ever get this fixed? I am having the same problem. Either the fire seeds come from above or they just don't come at all. Either way, nothing comes out of Ferazel's hand, although he does make the motion and you hear the fire seed sound. This typically happens after using all 99 of my Ziridium seeds and about 10, 20, or 30 fire seeds.

Also, I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do kill Xichra. I get through the phase where boulders fall from above, then the phase with the arrows coming from the sides, but then I get stuck in the phase where red mace balls come from above. At first it takes three hits to get from one phase to the next, but I've hit Xichra up to 20 times during the mace ball phase and nothing seems to change. Am I supposed to do something to her while she's on the ground? She seems invulnerable, at least to seeds, while she's on the ground and for a few seconds as she's getting back up.

Please help! Thanks,

I just killed her. She takes a lot more than 20 Fire seeds or Ziridium seeds. Remember, use the background as sort of a health meter for her. The easiest phase, the blue background, is when she has almost full health and as such is in her most benign state. The red background is the longest, most drawn out state, and is almost the most dangerous for that very reason. They gray background, while very short, is by far the hardest stage. instead of dropping big red maceballs, she drops those Armadillo bombs, and lots of them. She shoots her fireballs twice as fast, and moves a lot quicker. You'll also make an interesting discovery about her.. 🙂

- Neil


Thanks, Neil. So it does take more than 20 hits to get through the red phase. That's good to know cuz I wasn't sure if the program was "stuck". I've never gotten to the gray phase with the armadillo bombs because always at some point during the red phase the fire seeds get screwy or just disappear as I described and I have to abort.



LT wrote:
Nif, did you ever get this fixed? I am having the same problem. Either the fire seeds come from above or they just don't come at all.
Please help! Thanks,

I never did get this fixed. However, I did find a spot where I could stand on the little platform on the left and when she got to a specific spot and I threw seeds they would hit her immediately! 😉 However, since I never got to any gray background or Armadillo-droppings, I guess I'm not as close as I thought! :eek: I try to be conservative with my seeds, but I usually run out before killing her, or I die in the process. :rolleyes:

Since downloading the update, I have started the game over again. So, I don't think I'll be coming across Xichra again too soon! 😛

Happy Ferazel-ing!

Nif 🆒
