I am having trouble with the download of the update, I get a message "cannot decompress this file because it isn't a compact Pro file" or something to that effect. The same thing happened when I tried to download the updater for the demo. I was told to get Stuffit Expander, but I do have it and I downloaded the latest version and it still doesn't help!! This is the only download I have had this problem with...
Thank you



Calvin wrote:
**I am having trouble with the download of the update, I get a message "cannot decompress this file because it isn't a compact Pro file" or something to that effect. The same thing happened when I tried to download the updater for the demo. I was told to get Stuffit Expander, but I do have it and I downloaded the latest version and it still doesn't help!! This is the only download I have had this problem with...
Thank you

I would guess that you don't have Stuffit chosen in the preferences for your browser. You still should be able to take the compressed file and just drop it on the Stuffit application. If you've already done that and it's still not working...tis a puzzlement to me!



Calvin wrote:
**I am having trouble with the download of the update, I get a message "cannot decompress this file because it isn't a compact Pro file" or something to that effect. The same thing happened when I tried to download the updater for the demo. I was told to get Stuffit Expander, but I do have it and I downloaded the latest version and it still doesn't help!! This is the only download I have had this problem with...
Thank you

I got a message, too. But the Compact Pro file I ended up with after Stuffit Expander was a self-extracting Compact Pro file that expanded fine with just a double click on it. I hope this helps.



Thanks for the suggestions, I have tried both and still it doesn't work. I do not know what to do!!


Is there any other way to get the download? I downloaded it again and I still have this same problem, please, can someone help me????


I got the same error. The solution I have always used when Stuffit Expander 5 doesn't work is to use Stuffit Expander 4.x, which will decompress it.