Unemployed in Greenland

I Can't find a way to get the level on the westen side of Unemployed in Greenland :frown:
Can someone help me Please 😕

OOh eee ooH ee OOOOh


crazymonkey1 wrote:
**I Can't find a way to get the level on the westen side of Unemployed in Greenland:frown:
Can someone help me Please 😕

Unemployed in Greenland has two exits, each of which leads to a different level. (Like Central Caverns did.) You apparently found the exit on the east side of the level, now reenter the level and when you emerge from the first tunnel and see the first save point, instead of continuing east go west instead. You'll see a ledge that has a tree with a big mallet thing swinging around it. Go past the tree and continue on your way. When you come to a big wall that you can't jump up to from the ground, remember how fun it is to climb trees. 🙂



Zelda wrote:
**Unemployed in Greenland has two exits, each of which leads to a different level. (Like Central Caverns did.) You apparently found the exit on the east side of the level, now reenter the level and when you emerge from the first tunnel and see the first save point, instead of continuing east go west instead. You'll see a ledge that has a tree with a big mallet thing swinging around it. Go past the tree and continue on your way. When you come to a big wall that you can't jump up to from the ground, remember how fun it is to climb trees.:)


Thank You soooooooo Much 🙂

OOh eee ooH ee OOOOh