Can't Stand the Heat - Opening the Pillar

I've made soooo many attempts now to get past that first pillar - the one where after you've been shot out of the cannon you have to jump up the wall and start blasting in hopes that the boulder falls down on the button. Any advice on how to do this - and do it quickly? I have tried blasting from every angle off of the wall and can't seem to get the boulder to fall down in the middle. Tired of getting burnt!! :frown:


Did you try using fire seeds? You can't do it while you're on the wall. You have to jump and toss. :eek:

Happy Ferazel-ing!



Thanks, Nif!! Seems like postiing a question on this web board always brings me good luck. Right after I posted the above, I went back and tried just what you suggested - using the fire seeds. Still took quite a few attempts, but I finally got through!! Now I'm struggling with the next one - wow - this one's even worse!! Be glad to get through these. Thanks, again!!



Dian wrote:
**Thanks, Nif!! Seems like postiing a question on this web board always brings me good luck. Right after I posted the above, I went back and tried just what you suggested - using the fire seeds. Still took quite a few attempts, but I finally got through!! Now I'm struggling with the next one - wow - this one's even worse!! Be glad to get through these. Thanks, again!!

No problem . . . I remember the level with much frustration still! :eek:



I'm at the same spot. I hate this level so much, the mac is about to go through the window.

Has anyone else noticed that, regardless of how close the firewall is to you when you save, when you restore the same game it is mysteriously closer? In the second to third stage of this level, you have about .0000001 seconds to enter one archway and emerge from the other while the firewall chases you. I made sure to save with plenty of space between me and the firewall, but when I restore, it’s right next to me.

I can't get that pillar to go up. I can stand on top, drop fire seeds to open a path to the button, but by then I've run out of time.

Die, Ben, die.

Has anyone else noticed that, regardless of how close the firewall is to you
when you save, when you restore the same game it is mysteriously closer? In the >second to third stage of this level, you have about .0000001 seconds to enter
one archway and emerge from the other while the firewall chases you. I made sure >to save with plenty of space between me and the firewall, but when I restore,
right next to me.

YEP! I noticed that as well, this is the most frustrating level of all...holy cow.

I can't get that pillar to go up. I can stand on top, drop fire seeds to open a >path to the button, but by then I've run out of time.

Its impossible, it seems. I can't EVER get those fire seeds in there in time, the fire wall always runs up and eats me just before I get the boulder on the button. Help! :frown:

- Neil


Believe me, I know what you're going through. Many times trying to get past that wall I just about shoved my fist through my monitor out of frustration...but I digress 🙂

I would write out how I got past that part, but it would probably be in excess of 300 words (it's a pretty complicated strategy to explain, but not to do) I will say it involves jumping off the right side of the wall the boudler is on when you're near the top and falling back towards the boulder hitting it before you land (of course you have to have the area around the button cleared off first or it won't really do anything).

As far as I'm concerned, Out of the Frying Pan was easier....mainly because it took far less than half the tries it took to beat If You Can't Stand the Heat...

One thing to look forward to, is after the wall in question, it's the end of the level. There's one or two fire goblins in there, and a purple pool with a save point...the fire wall stops about halfway into that room (at least that's what I remember)

-- Jeff

(This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 03-20-2000).)

Here is an idea that helped me alot. It's not mine but comes from an older thread -- sorry I don't remember who posted it or I would give proper credit.

When you're in the purple pool just before the button, toss some fire seeds into the cannon on your right. They'll blast away alot of the wall around the button, hopefully enough so that all you have to do is roll the boulder down onto the button before hotfootin' it outta there.

Ok, I got past it. An hour after I post, suddenly I get through it. And I'm not sure how. Luck probably.

My only advice for this level is to run the whole way. Don't worry about enemies or xichrons. Spend most of the time on the right edge of the screen waiting for it scroll. Run like a nutty freak. Get that first health power up early on, then pick up the acid power up which comes soon after, then run and jump without rhyme and reason, just keep hitting run and jump. Use the fireseeds -- just keep throwing and blasting -- to clear the block before the button and with any luck you will have enough time to push the boulder onto the button and escape. No finesse in this one. Just speed and lunacy.